The Abiquo workflow feature controls the deploy, reconfigure and undeploy of VMs and virtual appliances (groups of VMs) This diagram shows a simplified process of how Abiquo deploy will function with workflow. When the user requests a deploy, undeploy or reconfigure of a VM, Abiquo will check that they are allowed to perform this action and that resources are available. Abiquo then creates the job and holds it. The VM displays a status of "Waiting for review". Abiquo sends a message to the workflow endpoint with the information about the user's task(s) and the link(s) to continue or cancel the task(s) The workflow tool can send an answering request to Abiquo to continue or cancel the task(s) Abiquo will proceed accordingly
Note that there are also two manual requests in the Abiquo API or UI (Manage workflow tasks) The user can cancel their own task(s) The manager user can continue or cancel the task(s) Image RemovedImage Added |