Table of Contents |
In all versions, Abiquo metrics usage system:
Info |
Borrador |
All versions
This page describes the standard cron jobs that run on Abiquo servers |
Abiquo 6.1.x
This section describes three scenarios for the introduction of new Abiquo billing.
With new on-premise billing running in production
Periodic process | Server | How is it configured? | Default schedule | Default run |
Metrics usage system | API |
Abiquo 6.2
Abiquo 6.1
Abiquo properties
In Abiquo 6.1, on the API server, these properties related to cron jobs.
New billing for public and private cloud
file |
| Mondays and Fridays at |
On-premise billing | API |
property |
| Every night | ||
Public cloud billing | API |
| Every night |
Pricing check | API |
Cron expression to run the periodic checks of price factor bill type and products.
0 0 0 1 * *
property |
| At | ||
Accounting process | DB |
| Every hour |
Accounting cleanup | DB |
| Sundays at |
Tags | API |
Cron expression to run the periodic tag synchronization by enterprise. If the cron expression is not compatible with Quartz, the platform will use the default.
0 0 */4 ? * *
Abiquo accounting
property |
| Every four hours from | ||
Reporting cleanup | DB |
| Hourly |
When new billing and old billing are both running to test new billing
Periodic process | Server | How is it configured? | Default schedule | Default run |
Metrics usage system | API |
| Mondays and Fridays at |
On-premise billing | API |
| Nightly |
Public cloud billing | API |
| Nightly |
Pricing check | API |
| At 0:00 on 1st day of month |
Accounting process | DB |
Code Block |
# Runs every hour
0 * * * * root mysql -uADMUSER -pADMPASS -hlocalhost -e "CALL kinton.UpdateAccounting();"
# Runs every Sunday at 12:00 and deletes records older than a week.
0 12 * * 0 root mysql -uADMUSER -pADMPASS -hlocalhost -e "CALL kinton.DeleteOldRegisteredEvents(168);" |
Old push Abiquo private billing data for dashboard
For old billing (before the entry of new billing in 6.1 or before the activation of new billing).
file |
| Hourly | ||
Accounting cleanup | DB |
| Sundays at |
Tags | API |
| Every four hours from |
Reporting cleanup | DB |
| Hourly |
Old billing | Reporting |
| Hourly |
Old billing enterprise mapping | DB |
| Nightly at |
After upgrade to 6.1.x and before you activate new on-premise billing
In Abiquo 6.1, we introduced the new on-premise billing, which uses the same property as public cloud billing to configure its cron job. We also introduced the new price factors, which have a cron check.
Info |
If you are using old billing, you should disable new billing in Configuration view as part of the upgrade process. |
Periodic process | Server | How is it configured? | Default schedule | Default run |
Metrics usage system | API |
Old Abiquo billing integration
From Abiquo deployer, billing scripts
| Mondays and Fridays at | ||
On-premise billing | API |
| Nightly |
Public cloud billing | API |
| Nightly |
Price factor check | API |
| At 0:00 on 1st day of month |
Accounting process | DB |
| Hourly |
Accounting cleanup | DB |
| Sundays at |
Tags | API |
| Every four hours from |
Reporting cleanup | DB |
| Hourly |
Old billing | Reporting |
| Hourly |
Old billing enterprise mapping | DB |
| Nightly at |
Private billing dashboard | Reporting |
| Nightly |
Abiquo 6.0.x
Abiquo 6.0.x uses the old billing processes and has an optional process to push private billing to the dashboard.
Periodic process | Server | How is it configured? | Default schedule | Default run |
Metrics usage system | API |
| Mondays and Fridays at |
Public cloud billing | API |
| Nightly |
Accounting process | DB |
| Hourly |
Accounting cleanup | DB |
| Sundays at |
Tags | API |
| |
Reporting cleanup | DB |
| Hourly |
Old billing | Reporting |
| Hourly |
Old billing enterprise mapping | DB |
Notes from the billing comparison page
Before you enable on-premise billing, stop the abiquo-private-billing
cron jobĀ
| Nightly at | ||
Private billing dashboard | Reporting |
| Nightly |