To deploy VMs to groups based on their operating system types:
In a vCenter cluster, create a Cluster VM Group with the following naming convention for each operating system name.
Code Block Lic_{clustername}_{osname}_VMs
For example
Code Block Lic_vcloudcluster_Windows_VMs
In the abiquo.properties file on the Remote Services server, create properties to map the operating system types to VM groups. The properties should have the following format
Code Block com.abiquo.esxi.experimental.vmgroup.gueststartswith.{OSprefix}
For example, Windows guests should have a guestOperatingSystemId that starts with "win". To map them to an "osname" of Windows and assign them to the corresponding group, set this property.
Code Block com.abiquo.esxi.experimental.vmgroup.gueststartswith.win=Windows
Now Abiquo will deploy VMs with an osType of Windows using a DRS rule to assign them to the following group
Code Block Lic_vcloudcluster_Windows_VMs
Here are some more examples of mapping properties.
Code Block com.abiquo.esxi.experimental.vmgroup.gueststartswith.sle=SUSE com.abiquo.esxi.experimental.vmgroup.gueststartswith.suse=SUSE
Remember that you will need to restart the server.
In Abiquo, check that you have correctly set the operating system types of the VM templates. See Modify a VM template#Advanced tab
Screenshot: vCenter cluster VM group