Table of Contents | ||||||||
Platform Component Upgrades
Abiquo 2.6 requires the following changes to the platform components:
Table of Contents | ||||||||
These are the release notes for Abiquo v2.6.x. For the release notes of the current version, see Release notes
Platform Component Upgrades
Abiquo 2.6 requires the following changes to the platform components:
Upgrade KVM hypervisors to run on CentOS 6 and migrate KVM virtual machines to these hypervisors
Update Abiquo AIM on KVM hypervisors to version 2.1.4, following the standard yum procedure
Manually add the abiquo.server.api.location property to the remote services server in distributed installations
The following packages have been upgraded in Abiquo 2.6:
Package | Version in Abiquo 2.4 | Version in Abiquo 2.6 |
rabbitmq-server | 2.1.0 | 2.2.0 |
erlang | R12B | R14B |
redis | 2.0.4 | 2.6.11 |
vboxmanage | 3.1.8 | 4.2.6 |
tomcat | 6.0.35 | 6.0.37 |
jdk | 6 | 7 |
New Features and Improvements
Abiquo 2.6 contains the following new features and improvements. Child pages (Children Display)
Amazon EC2 Integration
Hyper-V 3 Integration
Oracle VM Integration
NFS Persistent Storage Integration
Outbound API
Workflow Integration
Backup Front-end
Capture VM Improvements
System Disk and Hard Disk Resize
Apps Library Improvements
Other Improvements
IPv6 Support in v2.6.2
Guides to new features can be found under the New in Abiquo 2.6 page in Current Release Info.
Resolved issues
Key | Summary |
5801 | Filter 'has' doesn't work when listing virtual datacenters |
5578 | Adding a shared datastore to more than 1 ESX and not refreshing datastores on one of them generates multiple datastoreuuid.folder marks |
5561 | Instance process uses the root template description instead of the origin template description |
5539 | Incorrect virtualimage conversion generated when sourcetype = unknown |
5463 | The auxiliary HD is not counted as localStorageUsed in the view "vdc_enterprise_stats_vw" when the vm is powered OFF |
5435 | Enterprise admins should not see the space and capacity of the NFS appliance library |
5403 | Incorrect message in API log when the state of the VM changes |
5385 | VMs created directly in the hypervisor with only SCSI primary disk, cannot be imported into Abiquo |
5342 | Virtual datacenter maintains the assignment to a rack if the last VM deleted from it was in UNKNOWN state |
5333 | Instancing a VM, the instance template appears as available before finishing the conversion to master format |
5327 | Instancing a vmdk_sparse deployed in ESXi fails |
5319 | Only standard query params are used to build next/last/etc pagination links |
5318 | It is not possible to promote an instance made from a shared template |
5309 | Having a compatible template, a conversion to the base format is generated clicking on "generate missing conversions" |
5307 | (ESX) E1000 driver is always used when attaching a NIC to DVS |
5293 | Retrieving a physical machine without including the accept header, the API response is not correct |
5292 | Clicking on Abiquo Support button twice crashes |
5290 | After removing a datacenter (appliance manager), the rows in the virtual image table are not removed |
5289 | Creating a datacenter with "duplicate addresses" checked, the BPM port is not duplicated |
5287 | UI reporting wrong system disk size in deployed virtual machine |
5283 | Public IPs are not counted in the pricing estimate |
5282 | Sorting the storage pools, the previously selected pools are unchecked automatically |
5281 | In private networks the VLAN tag remains assigned although there are no VMs deployed |
5279 | Flash Player crashes selecting a template to download if the appliance manager is wrongly configured |
5278 | There is no header on the attach/detach storage popup of the virtual machine |
5277 | After removing the pricing link of an enterprise, the pricing template remains associated |
5276 | After associating a pricing template with an enterprise, the enterprise configuration (<isReservationRestricted>) changes |
5263 | VM must be powered off to change the "show password" behavior in the GUI |
5262 | Server character set and a server collation = latin1 instead of utf8 in a 2.4 clean environment |
5256 | After all the current licenses have expired, adding a valid license has no effect |
5252 | When a hypervisor is reenabled after being marked as unlicensed, part of the message is ??? |
5249 | StorageCheck gets rolled back entirely when Abiquo cannot contact a pool |
5246 | Cannot retrieve the list of LDAP roles through the API |
5244 | (API) Doing a GET of a templateDefinition, there is no link to the template definition list in the response |
5242 | Livbirt KVM plugin adds incorrect 'loader' tag in XML definition |
5240 | No detailed popup opens when a public IP hard limit is reached |
5238 | Duplicate enterprise link retrieving an attached external/unmanaged IP |
5232 | Instance of captured-instances has invalid OVF ID column in DB |
5230 | Promoting an instance with a really long name can cause the Apps library to show a GEN-13 error on refresh |
5226 | If the "check" button is pressed in the physical machine edit screen when the wrong IPMI password is set, the GUI hangs |
5222 | If a PM is removed when there are captured machines in VAPPs, this leaves those VAPPs in a bad way |
5221 | Through the API, quarantined IPs can be added to a VM (in the UI, they are not available) |
5215 | Having a Public network as the default, you can deploy VMs without any purchased IPs |
5214 | Cloud usage statistics for used VLANs returns wrong value |
5207 | No detailed trace after removing a volume of a storage device without connection |
5202 | Error messages are not accurate when a user has no privileges to manage layers |
5201 | A shared template not used by any other enterprise, cannot be unshared |
5191 | Monitor manager shows one hypervisor displayed twice and one hypervisor that no longer exists |
5179 | idDatacenter = NULL for public VLANs in the accounting_event_vlan table |
5177 | Spinning VMs when changing state in managed hypervisors that are not responding |
5176 | Warning message appearing deleting the penultimate VM of a layer, does not warn the user that the layer will be removed |
5175 | The "reconfigure" pop-up never disappears when moving 2 VMs deployed on the same PM into a layer which has a VM that is not deployed |
5171 | ESX cannot attach 8 volumes (SCSI 0:7 is reserved). Note that this is an ESX limitation. Abiquo will skip the reserved iSCSI location |
5167 | Public IP VLAN tag is included in the rack's VLAN tag range check when modifying the range |
5165 | Not all the accounting parameters are retrieved by the accounting_config_view |
5157 | Reserving servers when creating a new enterprise causes a server error |
5154 | The conversions of promoted templates are not recorded in the accounting_event_repository table |
5153 | For templates retrieved from the NFS, not all the conversions are recorded in the accounting_event_repository table |
5150 | Volume reconfigure fails on ESXi managed by vCenter. (Error Occurred :Access to resource settings on the host is restricted to the server '' which is managing it) |
5148 | No detailed trace is shown when a deploy fails due to a networking problem |
5140 | If VNC autoport property in KVM XML is set to "yes" hibernate crashes when trying to persist the entry |
5139 | Button to close user's session does not work |
5136 | Promoting an instance with a name containing '&' or other characters that need escaping does not give a very helpful error |
5134 | Moving a deployed VM to a layer, the accounting_event_vm is not modified |
5132 | The "+" button, in volumes tab, is enabled although there is no VDC selected |
5131 | Error when trying to save more virtual machines than available IPs on VDC default network |
5120 | (API) Missing public network link in the resource "...virtualdatacenters/*/publicvlans". This link should allow a user to make a public network the default VLAN for a VDC. |
5118 | Wrong hypervisor in database leads to duplicated entry in DB when retrieving from the right hypervisor |
5104 | Virtual machines left in an inconsistent state (rarely) when deploying virtual appliances |
5098 | The (with Virtual DataCenters restriction) label is not removed when a user is to moved to a new enterprise |
5095 | abiquo.server.sessionTimeout property is not working as expected. See How to control GUI session timeouts |
5086 | Pricing templates cannot be sorted in ascending or descending order |
5077 | On the Infrastructure tab, search for volumes does not work if the volume has a space in its name |
5069 | Query parameter limit=0 does not work to retrieve all enterprises without pagination |
5064 | Can add 2 DCs with the same "datacenter uuid" (e.g. abiquo.datacenter.id = Abiquo) without Abiquo checking them |
5063 | Error trying to manage UCS service profiles |
5059 | 500 internal server error generating conversions with a user with Apps Library permissions |
5058 | The promote button is enabled although the user does not have permission to use it |
5057 | A persistent template can be moved to the same VDC, which should not be allowed |
5052 | Error when validating an OVF file |
5032 | The error shown is not helpful when there are not enough IPs available on the default network during deploy |
5031 | jclouds.wire and jclouds.headers facilities are being logged into flex-stub.log |
5028 | NullPointerException trying to add an external network with bad fields |
5026 | A load level for all racks does not apply for a physical machine if there is another physical machine in the same rack with a local rule |
5009 | Adding a pricing model it is not clear why the save button is not available from the image prices or tiered storage tab |
5008 | Retrieving all volumes with the parameter limit=0 does not work properly in the volume list |
4951 | 500 internal server error after doing "getVirtualDisksInfrastructure" using a user with infrastructure privileges |
4945 | Inaccurate error message deleting a template which has instances in the NFS repository |
4923 | Generic error message when duplicate internal name adding Generic ISCSI volume |
4864 | When adding a hypervisor, virbrX and vnetX interfaces are listed by AIM and marked as Service Network default but they are owned by libvirt and should not appear |
4861 | Hyper-V shows the same trace all the time |
4828 | Cannot attach more than 1 IDE volume in Hyper-V |
4820 | Events API is not properly documented (missing all relevant query parameters) |
4813 | Cannot download templates to client filesystem if they contain special characters in the path, e.g. %20 |
4770 | During concurrent deploys, if ESX does not have enough resources, all VMs remain spinning |
4664 | Cannot create a volume in netapp when the device is almost full |
4658 | (API) Datastores refresh link was missing from the DTO when retrieving a physical machine |
4656 | Improve check of vCenter credentials on ESXi |
4645 | (API) Can add physical machines without initiatorIQN |
4571 | A captured VM with a pipe character '|' in its name can cause VMs with dupilicate UUIDs to be created in the DB |
4569 | Renaming a VM that contains non-alphanumeric chars in the name causes a Java error when retrieving the VMs |
4567 | A VM created in an ESXi hypervisor with a name that contains a '?', '/' or a '\' cannot be captured |
4509 | Retrieved the VMs from an ESXi but one of the VMs is a persistent machine and not captured, with no explanation |
4477 | Hyper-V connection timeout properties that are in virtualfactory must be also in VSM and nodecollector |
4353 | There are no Cost Code-Currency Events recorded |
4347 | When pausing and resuming virtual machines, there are no resume Events recorded |
4345 | When adding a second NIC to a VM deployed on Hyper-V, the reconfigure fails |
4339 | Recovering a task after restarting Tomcat fails, leaving VM in locked state |
4285 | Adding a virtual machine template to the library, the process never seems to finish on Windows 7 |
4249 | getEnterprisesByScope returns all enterprises instead of the enterprises enabled by the scope |
4159 | Nodecollector error when adding HyperV |
3900 | A virtual machine template cannot be deleted if there are persistent virtual machine templates made from it. In Abiquo 2.6, this template can be made unavailable |
3580 | (API) Incorrect/duplicate links when retrieving an enterprise |
3229 | It should be possible to delete a virtual machine template from the Apps Library even if VMs are deployed from the template. In Abiquo 2.6, this template can be made unavailable |
2338 | The event detail of a Workload_soft_limit_exceeded should be more user-friendly |
Resolved issues
Key | Description |
6074 | List of private networks is not shown when adding a NIC to a virtual machine |
6116 | The list of virtual datacenters only shows 25 elements when creating a virtual appliance |
6118 | Query parameter limit=0 doesn't work to retrieve all virtual datacenters without pagination |
6129 | When simultaneously deploying VMs in the same VLAN, the VMs are not attached in the port group |
6135 | VIRTUAL_MACHINE_DEPLOY_FINISH event is generated when undeploying a VM |
6148 | Persistent template remains in IN_PROGRESS state after the persistent process failed |
6155 | kinton.metering not populating virtual machine column correctly |
6161 | Cannot add an Oracle PM if some of the repositories are not "presented" |
6162 | No error logs are shown in the nodecollector.log when an Oracle PM cannot be discovered because of decoding problems |
6164 | Wrong creation of classless static routes on DHCP leases |
6165 | Unable to attach volume to a VM through API when coming from upgrade 2.3 to 2.4 (403 error) |
6181 | AIM goes down working with more than one storage pool. Fix requires AIM upgrade |
6199 | Cannot list virtual datacenters in GUI if one virtual datacenter has a default network assigned other than a private network |
6208 | The data recorded in the DB in the table kinton.metering is no longer usable by reports |
6242 | AIM doesn't show bridge or bounding when adding the hypervisor to Abiquo. Fix requires AIM upgrade |
6250 | Wrong rel is set attaching a volume in 2.6.1 using a old API resource (virtualmachines/*/storage/volumes ) |
6277 | Cannot retrieve the virtual machines from infrastructure after removing the physical machine |
6289 | Cannot undeploy a persistent VM synchronized by import feature |
Resolved issues
Key | Description |
6323 | OracleVM Plugin does not support VLAN-based management networks. See note on Oracle Ports and Bonds below |
6366 | Tasks are not accessible if the user that created them is deleted |
6375 | UNRECOGNIZED osType when importing OVF using many Windows flavors |
Notes on Oracle Ports and Bonds Abiquo recommends that you carefully read the Oracle VM Networking documentation and that you use separate ports/bonds for provisioning VM Networks within Oracle. The use of separate ports/bonds enables the Abiquo platform to fully automate the management of Network and VLAN creation within the Oracle VM environment. Therefore we recommend that OracleVM hypervisors have at least one port/bond for the management network, and at least one more port/bond for provisioning VMs. If an Oracle VM Hypervisor has only a single port/bond, then you will need to manually maintain all of the VLAN Segments for the bond. This is because the Oracle VM API does not currently permit Abiquo to create additional VLAN segments on the port/bond that is defined as the ‘management’ network. |
See Oracle VM Cloud Node Configuration in the Abiquo wiki for full updated information about configuring Oracle VM. |
Key | Description |
4096 | IPV6 support v1 in Abiquo networking. |
See IPv6 Support v1 in v2.6. |
2 in the Abiquo wiki Abiquo has implemented version 1 of support for IPv6 in Abiquo 2.6.2. This is a preview version of the Abiquo 3.0 functionality. This functionality is fully supported in the Abiquo API and partially supported by the Abiquo 2.6 GUI. Users can create Abiquo private, public, external and unmanaged IPv6 networks via the API only. These networks will appear to end users in the GUI, and they will be able to use them in the same way as IPv4 networks are used. i.e. addresses will appear and be selected through the GUI. If you wish to use the DHCPv6 server to assign addresses, IPv6 will require one DHCPv6 server for each datacenter. i.e. Remote Services will require |
The implementation covers any IPv6 valid address format (short or long). It also covers the creation of IP addresses with most of the transitional IPv6 technologies: IPv4-mapped, IPv4-compatible, Teredo and ISATAP. The current proposal has limitations on the number of IPv6 NICs per virtual machine.
vCenter - improved connection performance with lightweight connect
Resolved issues
VM storage that is VMotioned to a datastore that is not listed in Abiquo (because the datastore list has not been refreshed) becomes NOT_ALLOCATED
(Documentation) Accounting information for 2.6 public datacenters is not updated
Storage System Manager is sending management IP instead of service IP to Business Process Manager (V2V Server).
vCenter - deploy fails when copyVirtualDisk takes longer than 30 minutes
Not possible to upload template through GUI when SSL is enabled for connection to Appliance Manager. Abiquo has tested the fix with the configuration described in Apache Frontend#AddingSSLtoAM
ESX cannot retrieve virtual machines with 10 NICs or 10 disks
Random shutdown of connection to RabbitMQ
Detect VM move events when the target datastore is not in the Abiquo database
Resolved Bugs
vCenter sometimes can't connect to host with unrelated unavailable hosts in the same cluster
Improve DefineVlanTag method to avoid gathering VLAN data from vCenter for each virtual machine
Infrastructure check fails to notify changes if the datastores are shared
Enable Nodecollector to retrieve a single virtual machine from the hypervisor if supported by the hypervisor plugin. Currently ESX only
Changes in Abiquo 2.6.5
New privilege:
- Manage virtual machine backup disks: This privilege allows a user to specify disks and disk backup types (snapshot and complete). By default this privilege is assigned to the Cloud Admin and Enterprise Admin roles.
- See Privileges
New SCSI driver support:
- New OVF field: ResourceSubType
- New template definition field: diskController
- See New OVF SCSI drivers to support Windows 2012 in Abiquo 2.6.5
Resolved issues
When using ESX and NFS datastores, when adding both volume and hard disk, hard disk is created in the RDM datastore, not in the datastore where the VM is deployed
Reconfigure fails adding an extra HD using ESXi 5.0 and 5.1
Missing privilege to allow users to select disks in virtual machine backup. Without the privilege, all disks will be selected. The privilege should be assigned to the default Cloud Admin and Enterprise Admin roles. See Privileges
both an IPv4 and IPv6 DHCP server running. The DHCP and DHCPv6 servers may be running on the same machine. The implementation covers any IPv6 valid address format (short or long). It also covers the creation of IP addresses with most of the transitional IPv6 technologies: IPv4-mapped, IPv4-compatible, Teredo and ISATAP. The current proposal has limitations on the number of IPv6 NICs per virtual machine. | |
6381 | vCenter - improved connection performance with lightweight connect |
Resolved issues
Key | Description |
6236 | VM storage that is VMotioned to a datastore that is not listed in Abiquo (because the datastore list has not been refreshed) becomes NOT_ALLOCATED |
6276 | (Documentation) Accounting information for 2.6 public datacenters is not updated |
6356 | Storage System Manager is sending management IP instead of service IP to Business Process Manager (V2V Server). |
6387 | vCenter - deploy fails when copyVirtualDisk takes longer than 30 minutes |
6478 | Not possible to upload template through GUI when SSL is enabled for connection to Appliance Manager. Abiquo has tested the fix with the configuration described in Apache Frontend#AddingSSLtoAM |
6504 | ESX cannot retrieve virtual machines with 10 NICs or 10 disks |
6610 | Random shutdown of connection to RabbitMQ |
Key | Description |
6456 | Detect VM move events when the target datastore is not in the Abiquo database |
Resolved Bugs
Key | Description |
6767 | vCenter sometimes can't connect to host with unrelated unavailable hosts in the same cluster |
6918 | Improve DefineVlanTag method to avoid gathering VLAN data from vCenter for each virtual machine |
6934 | Infrastructure check fails to notify changes if the datastores are shared |
Key | Description |
6933 | Enable Nodecollector to retrieve a single virtual machine from the hypervisor if supported by the hypervisor plugin. Currently ESX only |
Changes in Abiquo 2.6.5
New privilege:
Manage virtual machine backup disks: This privilege allows a user to specify disks and disk backup types (snapshot and complete). By default this privilege is assigned to the Cloud Admin and Enterprise Admin roles.
See Privileges
New SCSI driver support:
New OVF field: ResourceSubType
New template definition field: diskController
See New OVF SCSI drivers to support Windows 2012 in Abiquo 2.6.5
Resolved issues
Key | Description |
6553 | When using ESX and NFS datastores, when adding both volume and hard disk, hard disk is created in the RDM datastore, not in the datastore where the VM is deployed |
6959 | Reconfigure fails adding an extra HD using ESXi 5.0 and 5.1 |
6995 | Missing privilege to allow users to select disks in virtual machine backup. Without the privilege, all disks will be selected. The privilege should be assigned to the default Cloud Admin and Enterprise Admin roles. See Privileges |
Key | Description |
6969 | Allow users to add more SCSI drivers in OVF in order to support Windows 2012. See New OVF SCSI drivers to support Windows 2012 in Abiquo 2.6.5 |
Resolved issues
Key | Description |
7087 | API - Properly convert stateful (persistent) disk capacity from megabytes to bytes |
7122 | ESXi - React to ''Document: null'' during rescanHba task |
7126 | ESXi - Document:null retry during vCenter HostSystem lookup (and getConfig) |
7125 | Validate max anti-affinity rule name length (to prevent problems with vCenter maximum of 80 chars) |
Key | Description |
7128 | ESXi - Task state polling interval set to 5 seconds to reduce load in large vCenter clusters |
Changes in properties in Abiquo 2.6.7
As part of Improvement 7487 to remove the hardcoded Nexenta block size value, a new abiquo.storagemanager.nexenta.blocksize property was introduced in Abiquo 2.6.7 and 3.0.1. If you do not set this property, the default block size of 8 KB will be used.
Abiquo supports Nexenta block sizes from 8 KB to 128 KB. Nexenta requires the block size to be a power of 2. The block size is only validated by Nexenta and it will accept values set with this property of 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128. Abiquo recommends that the block size should be at least 8 KB.
Key | Description |
7487 | Parameterize Nexenta block size value with Abiquo Configuration Property |