Code Block |
# Log in as root and stop services
sudo su -
systemctl stop abiquo-emmett
systemctl stop abiquo-delorean
systemctl stop kairosdb
systemctl stop cassandra
# Really kill Cassandra by getting its process number (e.g. XXXXX) and killing it
ps auwx | grep cassandra
kill -9 XXXXX
# Install latest yum release package for your target version using link
yum remove 'abiquo-release-*'
# Find the correct link at https://https://abiquo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/doc/pages/311363475/Abiquo-release-ee+packages+list
# For 6.2
yum localinstall https://user:passwd@mirror.abiquo.com/el7/6.2/os/x86_64/abiquo-release-ee-6.2.0-20240205_155724.el7.noarch.rpm
# Prepare yum repository for your target version
yum-config-manager --enable abiquo-base
yum-config-manager --enable abiquo-updates
# Perform update
yum clean all && yum makecache
yum update
# 6.2.0: - On database server, upgrade MariaDB
rpm --nodeps -ev MariaDB-server-10.4.10-1.el7.centos.x86_64
yum install MariaDB-server
service mariadb start
# Update watchtower database
watchtower-db [-h DB hostname] [-P DB port] [-u user] [-p password] update
# 6.2.0: - Edit the emmett.conf and delorean.conf files at:
# "jdbc:mysql" must be replaced with "jdbc:mariadb"
# as for your other database servers, including clusters