For versions prior to Abiquo 4.0, please see documentation for earlier versions of Abiquo.
Fully asynchronous processing. Note changes in default abiquo.properties for Remote Services clients
Added features:
Added Cost usage reports in Control view on the Billing tab
Add Script templates in Catalogue view
Removed features:
Reporting: will be replaced with new reports in the platform
Workflow: integrate your workflow system directly with the Abiquo API
Outbound API: poll the Abiquo API for events Abiquo Events catcher
Incorporated on-premise billing into the Abiquo platform. See Abiquo on premise billing and Configure on premise billing
Also including Manage extra charges with cost codes and Manage price factors
Incorporated themes management for branding within the Abiquo UI. See Themes management
Introduced service metrics, which work with DBaaS services (AWS RDS and and the new Microsoft Azure DB for MySQL single server)