Log in to the Abiquo server as the system administrator
Create a folder to store the configuration
Code Block mkdir /opt/abiquo/config/saml
Download the federation metadata XML file for your configuration. This may be from a link like:
See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/azuread-dev/azure-ad-federation-metadata#federation-metadata-endpointsCreate a metadata file for the identity provider, for example, at
and edit this file.Open the metadata XML file, and copy the
bracket with only theIDPSSODescriptor
bracket inside it. Paste it in your metadata file for the entity provider.
It should look something like this but with different values for your identity provider.Code Block <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <EntityDescriptor ID="_d75abe92_blah" entityID="https://sts.windows.net/d123456-blah/" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata"> <IDPSSODescriptor protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"> ... </IDPSSODescriptor> </EntityDescriptor>
should be the value from your file. It may be something like this:https://sts.windows.net/d12345678-123e-49321-1234-1234abcd567890/
EntityDescriptor ID
should also be the value from your file.
and add the following configuration to allow SAML login.Code Block "client.login.modules": [ { "label": "Basic Auth", "description": "Basic Auth login", "templateUrl": "modules/login/authenticationmodules/basicauthentication/partials/basicauthenticationloginview.html", "cookieName": "" }, { "label": "SAML", "description": "SAML login", "templateUrl": "modules/login/authenticationmodules/saml/partials/samlloginview.html", "cookieName": "ABQSAMLTOKENS" } ]
and configure the following properties.Code Block abiquo.auth.module = saml abiquo.saml.mode = multi abiquo.login.samesite = strict # Mandatory property to control the maximum time in seconds that users can use # SAML single sign-on after their initial authentication with the IDP. # The default represents 24 days. abiquo.saml.authentication.maxage = 2073600 abiquo.saml.redirect.endpoint = https://ABIQUO_FQDN/ui abiquo.saml.redirect.error.endpoint = https://ABQIUO_FQDN/ui/?error abiquo.saml.keys.keystore.path = /opt/abiquo/config/saml/MY_SAML_KEYSTORE abiquo.saml.keys.keystore.password = MY_SAML_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD abiquo.saml.keys.signing.alias = MY_SAML_APP_NAME abiquo.saml.keys.signing.password = MY_SAML_KEY_PASSWORD abiquo.saml.keys.encryption.alias = MY_SAML_APP abiquo.saml.keys.encryption.password = MY_SAML_KEY_PASSWORD abiquo.saml.keys.metadata.sign = false abiquo.saml.binding = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect abiquo.saml.metadata.mode = generated #abiquo.saml.metadata.serviceprovider.path = /opt/abiquo/config/saml/sp_metadata.xml abiquo.saml.metadata.identityprovider.default.id = MY_ENTITY_ID # For >1 IDPs, add commas between XML paths abiquo.saml.metadata.identityprovider.path = /opt/abiquo/config/saml/idp_metadata.xml # For >1 IDPs, add commas between pairs of values abiquo.saml.metadata.identityprovider.userdomain.map = myorg.onmicrosoft.com=MY_ENTITY_ID # Set the claim names we have set up before in Azure AD abiquo.saml.attributes.role.claim = abq-role abiquo.saml.attributes.enterprise.claims = abq-enterprise abiquo.saml.attributes.user.id.claim = http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name abiquo.saml.attributes.user.firstname.claim = http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/givenname abiquo.saml.attributes.user.lastname.claim = http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/surname abiquo.saml.attributes.user.email.claim = http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress
property should be commented out because first you can generate the metadata and later provide it with the file saved at this pathReplace the following values with the values for your environment:
MY_ENTITY_ID: you can get this from the Azure federation XML. It may be something like
Create a keystore with the above keystore values.
Code Block cd /opt/abiquo/config/saml keytool -genkey -v -keystore MY_SAML_KEYSTORE -storepass MY_SAML_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD -alias MY_SAML_APP_NAME -keypass MY_SAML_KEY_PASSWORD -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
(In our test system we are used the one value for the signing and encryption password as
Restart the Abiquo API
Check that the API works and has started successfully by logging in to Abiquo with basic auth as