In Abiquo 6.1, on the API server, these properties related to cron jobs.
New billing for public and private cloud
abiquo.billing.task.cron | Cron expression to run the consolidation of usage and cost from private cloud and public cloud providers. To generate valid expressions, you can use this tool: https://www.freeformatter.com/cron-expression-generator-quartz.html . Some other commonly used tools may generate invalid expressions. | 0 30 0 ? * * * |
abiquo.pricefactor.type.product.check.cron | Cron expression to run the periodic checks of price factor bill type and products. | 0 0 0 1 * * |
abiquo.tagging.synccheckcron | Cron expression to run the periodic tag synchronization by enterprise. If the cron expression is not compatible with Quartz, the platform will use the default. | 0 0 */4 ? * * |
Abiquo accounting
On the Abiquo server, or the separate database server, there should be a default accounting cron job at /etc/cron.d/abiquo-accounting
similar to the one below.
From Abiquo deployer, billing scriptshttps://github.com/abiquo/abiquo-deployer/blob/4b6121adf77004ce52e316adb14c614351bec697/roles/billing-scripts/tasks/, the cron job to run abiquo-billing
hourly is at /etc/cron.d/abiquo-billing
. yml#L51File content is:
Code Block |
- name: Add cron job to run abiquo-billing hourly copy: content: "15 0 0 1 * * * root cd /opt/abiquo-billing; /usr/bin/bash /opt/abiquo-billing/billing.sh 2>&1 | tee --append billingrun/var/log/billing.log" dest: "/etc/cron.d/abiquo-billing" when: not ansible_check_mode |
Note that there is also a cron command to update the enterprise mapping, which maybe in teh file: abiquo-billing-mapping
. File content is:
10 0 * * * root mysql --host specifythedbhost --user root --password yourpass --execute "INSERT IGNORE INTO kinton.billing_account_mapping (idAbiquo, idMappingType, billingAttributeName, billingAttributeValue) (SELECT idEnterprise, 1, 'ENTERPRISE', e.name FROM kinton.enterprise e);"
Notes from the billing comparison page
Before you enable on-premise billing, stop the
cron jobTo configure the cron job that runs on-premise billing use the Abiquo property.
When you transition to on-premise billing, you can stop the old
cron job
Abiquo reporting
To periodically remove temporary tables from the DB, add the following cron job on the reporting server?.
Code Block |
0 1 * * * root mysql -ureporter -preporter -e "CALL kinton_reporting.TruncateRLSTables ();" |