Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Edit the custom language files for the languages on your platform, for example, lang_en_US_custom.json

  2. Change the default labels for the cookie message and the privacy policy, which are as follows. 

    Code Block
        "":"The Abiquo Cloud Platform uses cookies to give you a consistent experience as you use the service. If you want to know more, please read our privacy policy.",
        "login.cookies.accept.button":"I understand",
        "login.cookies.policy.button":"Privacy policy",
    	"login.cookies.cookiespolicy.button":"Cookies policy",
  3. At the end of the file, add the __EOF label, for example:

    Code Block
        "login.cookies.cookiespolicy.button":"Cookies policy",
        "__EOF": "End of file"

    (warning) If you do not add the __EOF label, the UI will not load correctly and the login form will not display.

  4. Save your file in UTF-8 format

  5. To display your changes, reload the UI

For more details, see Abiquo UI client language configuration


titleClick here to show/hide screenshots

_cle: user cookie agreement

User cookie agreementImage RemovedUser cookie agreementImage Added

userChoices: automaticallyOpenServersView

User choice to automatically open servers viewImage RemovedUser choice to automatically open servers viewImage Added

userChoices: automaticallyOpenVappView

User choice to automatically open VApp viewImage RemovedUser choice to automatically open VApp viewImage Added

userChoices: automaticallyOpenTutorials

User choice to automatically open tutorialsImage RemovedUser choice to automatically open tutorialsImage Added

userChoices: automaticallyOpenMaintenance

 User choice to automatically open maintenance window popupImage Removed User choice to automatically open maintenance window popupImage Added