Before you shut down the platform servers you should check that no operations are in progress on the platform.
that the Abiquo RabbitMQ queues are empty on the Abiquo Monolithic Server, Abiquo Server or Datanode server
The number of messages in all queues must be 0.
Code Block # rabbitmqctl list_queues messages name
Code Block # rabbitmqctl list_queues messages name Listing queues ... 0 abiquo.am.notifications 0 abiquo.bpm.notifications 0 abiquo.datacenter.requests.ADatacenter.bpm 0 abiquo.datacenter.requests.ADatacenter.virtualfactory 0 abiquo.ha.tasks 0 abiquo.nodecollector.notifications 0 abiquo.pcrsync.messages 0 abiquo.pcrsync.parking-expect-no-consumers 0 abiquo.scheduler.fast.requests 0 abiquo.scheduler.requests 0 abiquo.scheduler.slow.requests 0 abiquo.tracer.traces 0 abiquo.virtualfactory.notifications 0 abiquo.virtualmachines.definitionsyncs 0 abiquo.vsm.eventsynk ...done.
On the V2V Server, check for any active conversions by checking for the V2V or Mechadora processes
Code Block $ ps aux | grep v2v $ ps aux | grep mechadora
When user VM operations are blocked and all of the above checks show that no tasks are running, it is safe to halt the platform.
Back up the main platform elements
Stop platform services
To perform a basic backup of the platform, run the following backups:
Note |
Before you begin, stop platform services, and check you have enough space on your destination systems. |
Code Block | ||
| ||
# On DB server, back up the Abiquo MySQL DBs
mysqldump --routines --triggers kinton > kinton.sql-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)
mysqldump --routines --triggers kinton_accounting > kinton_accounting.sql-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)
# On the Monitoring server, back up Watchtower DB
mysqldump --routines --triggers watchtower > watchtower.sql-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)
# On the Abiquo API Server or UI server, back up the UI
tar cvfz /var/www/html/ui.tgz-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) /var/www/html/ui
# If you are using SAML authentication with multiple IdPs, on ALL Abiquo API Servers, back up this file
/opt/abiquo/tomcat/webapps/api/WEB-INF/classes/springresources/security/saml/security-saml-generated-beans.xml /opt/abiquo/tomcat/webapps/api/WEB-INF/classes/springresources/security/saml/security-saml-generated-beans.xml-$(date
# On ALL servers, back up the /opt/abiquo folder
tar cvfz /opt/abiquo.tgz-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) /opt/abiquo
# On Abiquo Monolithic or API Server, Remote Services, or Datanode, back up Redis
redis-cli save
cp -a /var/lib/redis /var/lib/redis-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)
Stop platform services
This section describes how to stop platform services on all servers.
Note |
if there are operations in progress, DO NOT STOP the platform services because this can cause serious issues with your platform. |
To stop platform services:
Stop the API on the API server or monolithic server
Code Block systemctl stop abiquo-tomcat
Stop the UI on the API server or monolithic server or dedicated UI server
Code Block systemctl stop httpd
Stop remote services server
Code Block systemctl stop abiquo-tomcat
V2V Server
You do not need to stop anything because the BPM remote service is run on-demand onlyStop monitoring server
Code Block systemctl stop abiquo-delorean systemctl stop abiquo-emmett systemctl stop kairosdb systemctl stop cassandra
On the monitoring server, check if Cassandra is really dead
Code Block ps auwx | grep cassandra
Get the process number for Cassandra (the first number in the output of the previous command), and kill it. In this example, Cassandra is process 12345.
Code Block kill -9 12345
All processes on platform servers should now have halted.
Make snapshots and backups of all platform servers
Prepare yum repositories for 5.4
Check that you have the repository URL and credentials
To upgrade to a version with a patch number of zero, for example, version 5.4.0
Remove the previous version Abiquo release packages.
Code Block yum remove 'abiquo-release-*'
Locate the corresponding abiquo-release-ee package in the list of available versions
Install the release package. For Abiquo 5.4.0, the command would be similar to the following
Code Block yum localinstall http://user:passwd@mirror.abiquo.com/el7/5.4/os/x86_64/abiquo-release-ee-5.4.0-XXXX.el7.noarch.rpm
Disable the updates repo. See https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/6/html/deployment_guide/sec-managing_yum_repositories
Prepare yum repositories for 5.4.x
Check that you have the repository URL and credentials
To upgrade to the latest version with a patch number that is not zero, for example, version 6.0.x or version 6.1.x, enable both repositories:
Code Block yum-config-manager --enable abiquo-base yum-config-manager --enable abiquo-updates
Optionally add your username and password to the Abiquo repos
Code Block yum-config-manager --save --setopt=abiquo-*.username=MYUSERNAME yum-config-manager --save --setopt=abiquo-*.password=MYPASSWORD
Don't forget to use a backslash to escape any shell special characters. For more details, see https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/learning-the-bash/1565923472/ch01s09.html
Clean yum and make cache
Code Block yum clean all && yum makecache
If you did not make snapshots of all servers already, then you could do this now.
Upgrade packages on ALL servers