Table of Contents | ||
To create a new private cloud datacenter:
Go to Infrastructure view
Go to the Private tab, click the + add button
Enter the Name of the datacenter and the Location. Click Next
Enter the IP address of the monolithic Abiquo server, and click Duplicate IP addresses to copy the remote service locations
Click Accept to use this remote services configuration for the datacenter.
Go to Catalogue → Public
Select the public cloud region
Then click the + add button at the bottom of the screen
The Import template popup will open
Enter the search criteria for your template
In the ID field, you can enter an ID, such as an AMI ID
In the Name field, you can enter text to search for in the name
Select Private templates to display images that are only available to your user account in the public cloud provider.
In vCloud Director this option displays templates in the same organization as your user
In OCI, to search for private templates, you must search by the template ID only.
Then click Search to perform the search. The search can take some time and return several pages of templates
To import a template, click the import symbol in the top right-hand corner of the template
If your Azure template has terms of use, then you will need to accept these now or when you first create a VM from the template.
Accepting the terms of use requires the privilege to Manage virtual machine template terms of use and it enables programmatic deployment of the template for your Azure subscription. If you then disable programmatic deployment in the portal but you would like to deploy the template, you will need to delete it from the platform and import it again.
If you share the template with another enterprise, then a user of that enterprise will need to accept the terms of use before they can create a VM
When a template has been imported, the color of the import symbol will change to gray
When you have finished importing templates click Close
Configure the Abiquo server to use LDAP authentication. See LDAP and active directory integration. Please review the documentation as you will need to manually edit the configuration files.
Assign the LDAP groups or OpenID groups to User roles as external roles. A user in matching groups will be assigned the Abiquo Role
Example for OpenID:
Examples for LDAP:
Log in to Abiquo using the credentials of an LDAP or OpenID user in the Abiquo group.
Info |
To create an extra charge with a cost code for resource pricing
Go to Pricing → Extra charges
Click the + add button
Enter the details and initial prices
Configure a VM template in the Catalogue
Edit the VM template and go to the Extra charges tab
Select the appropriate Extra charges for the VM template
When you create or edit a hardware profile, you can also assign an extra charge.When you create a VM you can also assign extra charges
You can use the extra charge with a cost code to track a VM or hardware profile in the Abiquo database either for licensing or charge back.