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This section describes how to onboard an Azure CSP account and its customers

1. Create public cloud regions

Create public cloud regions for Azureyour public cloud providers.

For more details see Create a public cloud region.



Prepare Abiquo entities

To use an Azure reseller (CSP) account or an AWS partner account, create a reseller scope for your reseller enterprise. And create a reseller enterprise to manage the reseller credentials for your customers.

{"diagramDefinition":"flowchart LR\nX(GlobalScope)\nA(Reseller<br/>enterprise)\nnsubgraph GlobalScope\nend\nsubgraph ResellerScope\n    A\nend\nXnGlobalScope-->ResellerScope"}

To create prepare Abiquo entities for resellers.

  1. Create a reseller scope:

    1. For the Name, we recommend that you use the Reseller name + Scope, for example, ResellerScope

    2. For the Parent scope select theGlobal scope or no scope

    3. For Entities, select your public cloud regions.


  1. Create a reseller


3. Create a reseller enterprise

You will need a reseller enterprise to manage the reseller credentials for your customers.

  1. Create a reseller enterpriseenterprise:

    1. For the Default scope select the reseller scope, for example, ResellerScope

    2. Select the Reseller checkbox

    3. If the reseller will use a different mail server to the cloud platform, enter the details of the Mail server

    4. For Datacenters, select the datacenters and public cloud regions that the reseller will use

For full details see References:




Onboard an Azure CSP

For Azure, you can use reseller credentials (CSP credentials) in Abiquo.

  1. Do To obtain Azure CSP credentials, do the steps at: Obtain Azure ARM pricing credentials for CSP

  2. In Abiquo, edit the reseller enterpriseFor

    1. Go to Credentials → Pricing, and add the Azure CSP pricing credentials

    1. as follows

      1. API keycsp#tenantId#clientId#accessToken#refreshToken

      2. API secret key: the password for the application

    1. Go to Properties, and to use Azure billing, enter the billing enterprise properties in the reseller enterprise. The default values are as follows:

      1. azurecompute-arm_discount = 0

      2. azurecompute-arm_currency_code = USD

      3. = US

      4. azurecompute-arm_price_factor = 1 (deprecated in Abiquo 6.1)

  3. For Abiquo 6.1 and above, go to PricingPrice factors and create a price factor for the reseller enterprise. See Manage price factors.


4. Prepare Abiquo entities to onboard a customer

You can create a tenant hierarchy with a reseller scope at the top level and the customers below that. To create customers of your reseller, for each customer, create a customer scope and set the reseller scope as the parent scope.

For each customer of the CSP, create a key node enterprise with the customer scope.

For each customer, for each Azure Plan subscription or AWS ? account, create a standard enterprise (subtenant) to use the subscription for compute features or displaying billing information.

{"diagramDefinition":"flowchart LR\nA(Reseller<br/>enterprise)\nB(Customer1<br/>key node<br/>enterprise)\nB-->C(Subtenant1<br/>enterprise)\nB-->D(Subtenant2<br/>enterprise)\nC---F(Subscription1)\nD---E(Subscription2)\nA---P(Pricing<br/>credential)\nsubgraph ResellerScope\n    A\nend\nsubgraph Customer1Scope\n    BP\nend\n\nsubgraph Reseller hierarchy\n    direction ResellerScopeLR\n    Customer1Scope    ResellerScope-->Customer1Scope\nend\nsubgraph GlobalScope\nend\nGlobalScope-->ResellerScope\nResellerScope-->Customer1Scope"}


n\nsubgraph Customer1Scope\n    direction LR\n        B\n        C\n        D\n        E\n        F\nend"}

To prepare Abiquo entities to onboard a customer:

  1. Create a customer scope:

    1. Go to UsersScopes and click the + add button or select and edit an existing scope

      1. For the Name, we recommend that youuse the customer name and Scope, for example, Customer1Scope

      2. For the Parent scope, select the reseller scope, for example, ResellerScope.

    2. For the Entities, select the public cloud region/s.


  1. Create


For each customer of the CSP, create a key node enterprise with the customer scope.

{"diagramDefinition":"flowchart LR\nA(Reseller<br/>enterprise)\nB(Customer1<br/>key node<br/>enterprise)\nsubgraph ResellerScope\n    A\nend\nsubgraph Customer1Scope\n    B\nend\n\nsubgraph Reseller hierarchy\n    ResellerScope-->Customer1Scope\nend\nsubgraph GlobalScope\nend\nGlobalScope-->ResellerScope"}


  1. a customer enterprise:

    1. Go to Users view and at the bottom of the Enterprises list, click the + add button

    2. For the Default scope, select the customer scope, for example, Customer1Scope

    3. Select the Key node checkbox to support

      1. Office365 customers

      2. Multiple Azure subscriptions (Plans)

      3. Other sub-tenants (e.g. AWS partner accounts)

    4. For Properties,add tenant metadata as required. This may include account IDs and discounts. You can also push this metadata to VM variables but do not use confidential data.

7. Create customer subtenants

  1. For each


  1. subscription in an Azure plan, create a standard enterprise


{"diagramDefinition":"flowchart LR\nA(Reseller<br/>enterprise)\nB(Customer1<br/>key node<br/>enterprise)\nB-->C(Subtenant1<br/>enterprise)\nB-->D(Subtenant2<br/>enterprise)\nC---F(Subscription1)\nD---E(Subscription2)\nA---P(Pricing<br/>credential)\nsubgraph ResellerScope\n    A\n    P\nend\nsubgraph Reseller hierarchy\n    direction LR\n        ResellerScope-->Customer1Scope\nend\nsubgraph GlobalScope\nend\nGlobalScope-->ResellerScope\n\nsubgraph Customer1Scope\n    direction LR\n        B\n        C\n        D\n        E\n        F\nend"}


  1. (subtenant):

    1. Create a standard enterprise (not a key node)

    2. For the Default scope, select the Customer1Scope


5. Onboard a CSP customer

You can onboard a CSP customer with access to compute and billing features or with access to billing only. If your CSP customer is working with Azure plans, then add credentials for each subscription within the Azure plan to a separate Abiquo enterprise.

To give the a CSP customer access to compute and billing features:

  1. Create an app in the customer’s Active Directory.

  2. Edit the standard enterprise, and go to CredentialsPublic

  3. Add the credentials for the Azure plan customer in the format Subscription#AppID#TenantID

  4. Go to Properties and add azurecompute-arm_only_bill_subscription and set the value to true


To give the customer access billing features only (including dashboard display, and billing of Office 365):

  1. Edit the standard enterprise, and go to Credentials → Public

  2. For the Access key ID, enter the customer’s Azure plan subscription details in this format: Subscription##TenantID

  3. For the Secret access key, enter any value

  4. Select Only for billing

  5. Click Add account to save the credentials. The platform will not validate the account details until it retrieves billing data from the provider

  6. Go to Properties and add azurecompute-arm_only_bill_subscription and set the value to true

  7. Click Save


Now you can configure the MicrosoftProductsService to manage Customer users, office licenses and Azure plan subscriptions!