Info |
If the original disk file is not available, you can create a placeholder file in the folder using the touch command, in the format touch {currentPath}. For example: |
Steps to obatin the URL for folder names with spaces
The URL to post to contains the enterprise ID and the template folder in the following format.
The template folder is the folder path on the NFS Repository, without the file name.
So for a folder name with spaces, for an example with example, “abc def”.
We would have the following “href” and “path”:
Code Block |
1/bundle/abc%20def |
And the The format of the URL to post to would bemust encode the special characters in the folder path again.
Code Block |
/am/erepos/1/templates/1/bundle/abc%2520abc |
So, in our example, the first part of the post request would look as follows:
Code Block |
curl -v -k -X POST "https://remoteservices.example.com:443/am/erepos/1/templates/1/bundle/abc%2520abc" |
6. Replace the disk
This request is to the Appliance Manager remote service, so we need to use its URL.