For definitions of the following widgets, see Metrics
Predefined Hybrid dashboard tab widgets
For definitions of the following widgets, see Hybrid.
Predefined Optimizaton dashboard tab widgets
For details of these widgets, please see Optimization.
Virtual machines - longest time https://abiquo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/doc/pages/311377667/Optimization#Virtual-machines---longest-time-deployed
Unused load https://abiquo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/doc/pages/311377667/Optimization#Unused-public-IPs
Virtual machine snapshots
Options: Name; Show soft limits; show hard limits
Last bills
The Last bills widget displays the last bills for public cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, and Google, and for private cloud.
To display billing data, the administrator must configure access to billing data from the provider (see Display cloud provider billing data), and the user must have the View bills privilege.
Panel | ||
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Privileges: View bills |
To view more details of the latest bills, click the link to Show more bills. To display more details, mouse over the chart.
To display the chart in stacked format, click the Stacked button. To display the bill chart in grouped format, click the Grouped button.
To display a bill for a single provider, split by the service categories in the bills, select the provider from the pull down menu.
Options: Last months filter; Default provider filter; Provider selector; Default currency filter; Currency selector; Default chart type; Chart selector
Estimated bill
The Estimated bill widget will display the estimated bill for the current period for public cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, Google, OCI, VCD, and private cloud. The platform calculates the estimated bill using a linear regression of daily costs for the current period, and the change in spend from the last bill for the selected provider. The display billing data, the user must have the View bills privilege.
Panel | ||
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Privileges: View bills |
The administrator can configure multiple currencies and conversion factors. See Configure Abiquo UI
Options: Provider selection; Provider filter; Currency selection; Currency filter
Virtual machines count
Insert excerpt
Idle volumes
The Idle volumes widget will display the idle volumes of an enterprise or in the configured virtual datacenter with: