Abiquo can supply a test environment or you can install your own (see below).
Mermaid | ||||||
| ||||||
{"diagramDefinition":"flowchart TD;\n AbiquoInstall[Abiquo installed\\nwith infrastructure] --> |login| TutorialPrivate[Abiquo quick walkthrough\\nof private cloud] \n AbiquoInstall --> |login| TutorialPublic[Abiquo quick walkthrough\\nof public cloud] \n InstallOwn[Install own\\n or empty platform] --> |login| TutorialQuick[Abiquo quick tutorial] \n subgraph Install\n InstallOwn\n AbiquoInstall\n end\n style AbiquoInstall fill:#ec9032,stroke:#666,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff\n style InstallOwn fill:#ec9032,stroke:#666,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff\n style Install fill:#DDDDDD,stroke:#666,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5"} |
If your Abiquo test environment was prepared by Abiquo Support, you can work through one of the basic tutorials to deploy a VM.