Next, the Abiquo components section provides a more detailed introduction to the Abiquo cloud architecture.
Abiquo summary
The Abiquo platform is a true multicloud system that manages private data centers and public clouds through a single console, and enables you to offer your customers a single cloud bill and billing dashboard.
Abiquo also has the building blocks for a customized cloud service, using the Abiquo UI, REST API, and integration points.
Abiquo enables Cloud Administrators to manage resources in hybrid and multi-cloud environments, in an agentless environment that supports progressive onboarding
Abiquo cloud users can easily obtain resources by self-service but always under the cloud policy and governance that you define
Abiquo's cost management and resource optimization system includes billing dashboards with estimated bills, and budgets that can trigger automation
Abiquo provides inventory and classification with multi-cloud tags, the virtual resource inventory screens, as well as reports showing how the infrastructure is used and where VMs exist on the platform
Abiquo meters all operations, which means that it measures and tracks all resources allocated or consumed. This enables accounting and billing of the usage of the cloud service.
Related pages
This page belongs to the Get Started section
For a more detailed description of Abiquo cloud architecture and installation types, see Abiquo Components
To try Abiquo in a PoC or other test environment, do these walkthroughs:
To try Abiquo from scratch, with no infrastructure in the platform, do Abiquo quick tutorial
For Abiquo manuals, see Abiquo Cloud Guides
For a full description of the platform and examples of administrator tasks, see Abiquo Walkthrough
If you have a demo license, see Add a license
To get some sample images into your Service catalogue, see Add Virtual Machine Templates to Abiquo
For guides to Abiquo features, see Abiquo features by version