

Privileges: Manage virtual network elements, Access external networks tab, Access public networks tab

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters → select virtual datacenter → Network.

  • The default network is highlighted with a star symbol

  • A network with an internet gateway is highlighted with a globe symbol

  • In public cloud, to synchronize networks and IP addresses, click the round arrows synchronize button

  • In AWS, you can filter the list of private networks by Availability Zone


To create a private network:

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters → select virtual datacenter Network Private

  2. Click the + add button  and complete the dialog

Create private network


Create private network Amazon


To create new IP addresses in a private network do these steps.

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters → optionally select a virtual datacenter

  2. Go to NetworksPrivate → select a private network

  3. On the Private IPs page, click the add + button and enter details

Or you can add an IP directly to a VM. To do this:

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters → Edit VM → Network

  2. Click the add + button and enter details (or drag the Auto-generated IP label into the Network pane)


Enter the Number of IPs to create and the From IP address (the first in the range). The From IP address must be a new address that does not already exist in the network. After creating the first IP address, the platform will try to create the other IPs and it will skip any existing IP addresses. 
For example, if you have IP addresses in network, which are 30, 33, and 34 and then you request 3 new IPs from The new IPs created should be as follows: 31, 32, 35. 


To edit a private network

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters → select a virtual datacenter → Network

  2. Select Private and select the network

  3. Click the pencil edit button below the Networks list

  4. If there are no VMs deployed in the network, you can change the Name, Gateway, Static routes, and make the network the new default for the virtual datacenter

    1. The gateway must be an IP address inside the range defined by the network address and the network mask

  5. Optionally, change the DNS settings. The new settings will apply to all VMs deployed after you save the network

  6. Click Save


Delete a private network

You can delete a private network if no VMs are using its IPs and it is not the default network for the virtual datacenter.

To delete a private network:

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters → select a virtual datacenter → NetworkPrivate

  2. Select the network and click the delete button below the networks list. 


Display onboarded external networks


To display onboarded external networks

  1. Go to Virtual datacentersNetwork

  2. Select a vCloud VDC

  3. Go to External


Delete an onboarded external network


To assign a network as the default for a virtual datacenter do these steps:

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters → select virtual datacenter → Network → network type, e.g. Private

  2. Create or edit a network

  3. Select the Default network checkbox 

    • This default will override the platform default network and any network set for the enterprise in the datacenter

    • The new default network will apply to all VMs deployed after you set it

    • For a public network that is the virtual datacenter default, obtain IP addresses for your VMs before you deploy


Obtain IP addresses from public networks


To add new public IP addresses to your virtual datacenter:

  1. Click the + Add button on the Public IPs page to display the list of available public IPs

    1. To move between pages, use pagination controls such as arrows and page numbers

    2. To filter your search, enter an IP address or Network name in the Search filter box

  2. Select IP addresses to add them to your virtual datacenter 

  3. Click Add to reserve the IPs

The platform will add the IPs to your VDC



Privileges: Manage virtual network elements, Manage floating IPs, Access public networks tab, Manage public network elements

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters → Select a public cloud virtual datacenter → Network → Public

  2. On the Allocated public IPs page, click the + add button

  3. To add the public IP to a virtual datacenter, click the Add to VDC link near the IP address

Now when you edit a VM in the VDC and go to Network → Public, the platform will display the public IP address and you can add it to your VM.



Privileges: Manage virtual network elements, Manage floating IPs, Access public networks tab, Manage public network elements

  1. Go to Virtual datacenters → select a public cloud virtual datacenter

  2. Go to Network → Public

  3. Click the double arrow synchronize public IPs button (beside the + add button)


Release a reserved public IP address


In private cloud with NSX-T, you can delete network resources by deleting the virtual datacenters. The platform will automatically remove VMs, virtual appliances, load balancers, public IPs, and firewalls from the virtual datacenter. The firewalls will remain in the enterprise and you can reuse them. When you delete a virtual datacenter, public IPs that are not used by VMs will remain in the provider and the synchronization process will delete them.

Limit network bandwith with QoS

You can limit network bandwidth of public IPs and for VDCs with NAT networks. For more details see the following documentation.


Pages related to virtual datacenter networks
