6.0.0 | |||||||||||
Added in 6.0.0 | Description | API | RS | V2V | OA | ||||||
abiquo.backup.policy.sync.delay | Delay between executions of the backup policy check (milliseconds). The default is 24 hours. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.googlecloud.loadbalancer.healthcheck.healthythreshold | The number of consecutive health probe successes required before moving an GCP instance to the Healthy state. Range: 1-10 |
| |||||||||
abiquo.saml.authentication.maxage | Maximum time in seconds the system allows users to use SAML single sign-on after their initial authentication with the IDP. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.service.schema.cache.minutestokeep | jsonschema validation in API. Minutes to keep the schema in memory |
| |||||||||
abiquo.service.schema.cache.size | jsonschema validation in API. Number of schemas to keep in memory |
| |||||||||
abiquo.service.schema.import.check.delayinhours | Frequency in hours to perform an import of schemas from XAS server |
| |||||||||
abiquo.service.state.frequencyinminutes | All service states are initialized with this frequency in minutes |
| |||||||||
abiquo.snapshot.autodelete.hours | Time that a snapshot lives before it expires. An expired snapshot is still usable until the check for expired snapshots deletes it. A property value greater than '0' means enabled. Otherwise auto delete snapshot is disabled. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.snapshot.autodelete.hours.limit | Max lifetime for a snapshot that a privileged user can configure when taking a snapshot. A property value greater than '0' means enabled. Otherwise the limit is disabled. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.snapshot.autodelete.polling.minutes | Time to wait between each check for expired snapshots. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.async.amqp.backoff.maxseconds | AMQP consumer reconnection. Max seconds without restart attempt |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.async.amqp.backoff.minseconds | AMQP consumer reconnection. First attempt to restart in seconds |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.async.pendingpublish.minutes | Check for pending responses failed to publish due to AMQP failure in XAS |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.async.pool.inactivity.maxhours | Max hours without activity in a pool before release. The minimum value is 6, and if a lower value is set, the platform will use 6 |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.async.pool.max | Default maximum number of simultaneous operations on a single service state (same class and connection params) |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.async.pool.xas-com-abiquo-service-test-SimpleService.max | Maximum number of simultaneous operations on a single service state (same class and connection params), by type of the service. using service class full name but replacing '.' with '-' default abiquo.xas.async.pool.max |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.async.prefetch | Limit parallelism of asyncrequest execution. Number of unacknowledged messages from the requests queue. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.connectionrequesttimeout | API to XAS HTTP client configuration: timeout in milliseconds used when requesting a connection. 0 is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default). |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.connectiontimeout | API to XAS HTTP client configuration: timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established 0 is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default). |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.instances.cache.expireminutes | Specify the time an instance is valid; requires 'abiquo.xas.instances.cache.size>0' |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.instances.cache.size | Enable service instances cache, and specify the maximum objects allocated. Set to 0 to disable |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.packages | Packages where the platform will look for XaaS services and models |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.pool.checkconnectionms | API to XAS HTTP client pool configuration: When reusing a connection check if the elapsed time since the last use exceeds this timeout. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.pool.maxclients | API to XAS HTTP client pool configuration: Max active HTTP connections to any XAS. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.pool.maxclientsperendpoint | API to XAS HTTP client pool configuration: Max active HTTP connections to the same XAS instance. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.pool.maxkeepalivems | API to XAS HTTP client pool configuration: Max time to keep a persistent connection. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.stacktrace.packagestostrip | Packages to ignore when reporting an exception stacktrace |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.timeout | API to XAS HTTP client configuration: milliseconds to wait for a sync execution in the plugin. Implemented as socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) in milliseconds, which is the timeout for waiting for data or, put differently, a maximum period of inactivity between two consecutive data packets. 0 is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default). |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.timeout.download | API to XAS HTTP client configuration: milliseconds to wait for a download to be completed |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.timeout.xas-{serviceClassName-replacing'.'with'-'} | API to XAS HTTP client configuration: milliseconds to wait for a sync execution in the service by class |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.timeout.xas-{serviceClassName-replacing'.'with'-'}.{actionName} | API to XAS HTTP client configuration: milliseconds to wait for a sync execution in the service by class and action |
| |||||||||
6.0.1 | |||||||||||
Deprecated in 6.0.1 | |||||||||||
abiquo.service.schema.import.check.delayinhours | This property is no longer required |
| |||||||||
Added in 5.4.6 and 6.0.1 | |||||||||||
abiquo.azure.billing.parser.lineitem.publisher.ignore | Publishers to filter out Azure billing line items. Example value to filter out Office products: Microsoft Corporation |
| |||||||||
Added in 6.0.1 | |||||||||||
abiquo.nsxt.dhcp.services | Configure Tier-1 DFW to allow DHCP traffic from these services in CSV list format. |
| |||||||||
com.abiquo.esxi.clusterdatastore.atleastone | If true, the cluster plugin will return datastores that are properly mounted on at least one host in the cluster. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.ec2billing.parser.billType.ignore | Values to filter out from column bill/BillType from AWS billing CSV. |
| |||||||||
6.0.2 | |||||||||||
Added in 6.0.2 | |||||||||||
abiquo.azure.billing.parser.lineitem.productid.ignore.path | Path containing a file with a list of product IDs to ignore from azure billing line items, each ID on a new line. |
| |||||||||
6.0.3 | |||||||||||
Added in 6.0.3 | |||||||||||
com.abiquo.esxi.discovery.isoSizeSkip | If true, do not report size or capacity for ISO disks |
| |||||||||
abiquo.ldap.mode | Specify the LDAP integration mode to use, which can be ''single'' for LDAP only, or ''multi'' for Abiquo basic auth and LDAP |
| |||||||||
Changed in 6.0.3 | |||||||||||
abiquo.auth.module | For LDAP and basic auth with support for user management, set the value to “ldap” only |
| |||||||||
6.0.4 | |||||||||||
New in Abiquo 6.0.4 | |||||||||||
abiquo.nsxt.infra.tier0-allowed-gateways | Allow traffic from the Tier-0 physical network through this entry point. List of IPs or CIDRs in CSV format, or the name of a single NSX-T group that already exists. In version 6.0.4, the group name must not contain special characters such as a colon (“:”) |
| |||||||||
Changed in Abiquo 6.0.4 | |||||||||||
abiquo.nsxt.infra.tier0-external-ip | In Abiquo 6.0.4, replace this property with abiquo.nsxt.infra.tier0-allowed-gateways |
| ||||||
6.0.6 | |||||||||||
Removed in 6.0.6 | |||||||||||
abiquo-nsxt.infra.tier0-allowed-gateways | In Abiquo 6.0.6, replace this property with abiquo.nsxt.infra.allow-dnat-sources |
| |||||||||
New in Abiquo 6.0.6 | |||||||||||
abiquo.azure.billing.azure-plan.subscription-description | List of possible values for the subscription description field of billing line items that is used to identify and exclude Azure plan consumption items, since they are retrieved from the usage line items. Default value: Azure plan |
| |||||||||
abiquo.nsxt.infra.allow-dnat-sources | Allow DNAT traffic from the specified networks. List of IPs or CIDRs in CSV format, or the name of a single NSX-T group that already exists. |
| ||||||
abiquo.nsxt.infra.allow-dnat-sources-public | Allow DNAT traffic from the internet. |
| ||||||
abiquo.nsxt.infra.allow-snat-destinations | Allow SNAT traffic to the specified networks. List of IPs or CIDRs in CSV format, or the name of a single NSX-T group that already exists. |
| ||||||
abiquo.nsxt.infra.allow-snat-destinations-public | Allow SNAT traffic to the internet. |
| ||||||
abiquo.nsxt.vpn.profile.df | Handle defragmentation bit present in the inner packet. COPY (default) - copies the defragmentation bit from the inner IP packet into the outer packet. CLEAR - ignores the defragmentation bit present in the inner packet. |
| ||||||
abiquo.nsxt.vpn.profile.digest | Algorithm to be used for message digest. Only used when encryption algorithm is not AES_GCM |
| ||||||
abiquo.nsxt.vpn.profile.sa-expire-seconds | SA life time specifies the expiry time of security association in seconds |
| ||||||
abiquo.nsxt.vpn.session.compliance | IPSec session compliance suite |
| ||||||
abiquo.nsxt.vpn.session.connection-mode | Connection initiation mode used by local endpoint to establish IKE connection with peer site. INITIATOR - In this mode local endpoint initiates tunnel setup and will also respond to incoming tunnel setup requests from peer gateway. RESPOND_ONLY - In this mode, local endpoint shall only respond to incoming tunnel setup requests. It shall not initiate the tunnel setup. ON_DEMAND - In this mode local endpoint will initiate tunnel creation once first packet matching the policy rule is received and will also respond to incoming initiation request. |