6.0.0 | |||||||||||
Added in 6.0.0 | Description | API | RS | V2V | OA | ||||||
abiquo.backup.policy.sync.delay | Delay between executions of the backup policy check (milliseconds). The default is 24 hours. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.googlecloud.loadbalancer.healthcheck.healthythreshold | The number of consecutive health probe successes required before moving an GCP instance to the Healthy state. Range: 1-10 |
| |||||||||
abiquo.saml.authentication.maxage | Maximum time in seconds the system allows users to use SAML single sign-on after their initial authentication with the IDP. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.service.schema.cache.minutestokeep | jsonschema validation in API. Minutes to keep the schema in memory |
| |||||||||
abiquo.service.schema.cache.size | jsonschema validation in API. Number of schemas to keep in memory |
| |||||||||
abiquo.service.schema.import.check.delayinhours | Frequency in hours to perform an import of schemas from XAS server |
| |||||||||
abiquo.service.state.frequencyinminutes | All service states are initialized with this frequency in minutes |
| |||||||||
abiquo.snapshot.autodelete.hours | Time that a snapshot lives before it expires. An expired snapshot is still usable until the check for expired snapshots deletes it. A property value greater than '0' means enabled. Otherwise auto delete snapshot is disabled. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.snapshot.autodelete.hours.limit | Max lifetime for a snapshot that a privileged user can configure when taking a snapshot. A property value greater than '0' means enabled. Otherwise the limit is disabled. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.snapshot.autodelete.polling.minutes | Time to wait between each check for expired snapshots. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.async.amqp.backoff.maxseconds | AMQP consumer reconnection. Max seconds without restart attempt |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.async.amqp.backoff.minseconds | AMQP consumer reconnection. First attempt to restart in seconds |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.async.pendingpublish.minutes | Check for pending responses failed to publish due to AMQP failure in XAS |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.async.pool.inactivity.maxhours | Max hours without activity in a pool before release. The minimum value is 6, and if a lower value is set, the platform will use 6 |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.async.pool.max | Default maximum number of simultaneous operations on a single service state (same class and connection params) |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.async.pool.xas-com-abiquo-service-test-SimpleService.max | Maximum number of simultaneous operations on a single service state (same class and connection params), by type of the service. using service class full name but replacing '.' with '-' default abiquo.xas.async.pool.max |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.async.prefetch | Limit parallelism of asyncrequest execution. Number of unacknowledged messages from the requests queue. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.connectionrequesttimeout | API to XAS HTTP client configuration: timeout in milliseconds used when requesting a connection. 0 is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default). |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.connectiontimeout | API to XAS HTTP client configuration: timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established 0 is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default). |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.instances.cache.expireminutes | Specify the time an instance is valid; requires 'abiquo.xas.instances.cache.size>0' |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.instances.cache.size | Enable service instances cache, and specify the maximum objects allocated. Set to 0 to disable |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.packages | Packages where the platform will look for XaaS services and models |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.pool.checkconnectionms | API to XAS HTTP client pool configuration: When reusing a connection check if the elapsed time since the last use exceeds this timeout. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.pool.maxclients | API to XAS HTTP client pool configuration: Max active HTTP connections to any XAS. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.pool.maxclientsperendpoint | API to XAS HTTP client pool configuration: Max active HTTP connections to the same XAS instance. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.pool.maxkeepalivems | API to XAS HTTP client pool configuration: Max time to keep a persistent connection. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.stacktrace.packagestostrip | Packages to ignore when reporting an exception stacktrace |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.timeout | API to XAS HTTP client configuration: milliseconds to wait for a sync execution in the plugin. Implemented as socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) in milliseconds, which is the timeout for waiting for data or, put differently, a maximum period of inactivity between two consecutive data packets. 0 is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default). |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.timeout.download | API to XAS HTTP client configuration: milliseconds to wait for a download to be completed |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.timeout.xas-{serviceClassName-replacing'.'with'-'} | API to XAS HTTP client configuration: milliseconds to wait for a sync execution in the service by class |
| |||||||||
abiquo.xas.timeout.xas-{serviceClassName-replacing'.'with'-'}.{actionName} | API to XAS HTTP client configuration: milliseconds to wait for a sync execution in the service by class and action |
| |||||||||
6.0.1 | |||||||||||
Deprecated in 6.0.1 | |||||||||||
abiquo.service.schema.import.check.delayinhours | This property is no longer required |
| |||||||||
Added in 5.4.6 and 6.0.1 | |||||||||||
abiquo.azure.billing.parser.lineitem.publisher.ignore | Publishers to filter out Azure billing line items. Example value to filter out Office products: Microsoft Corporation |
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Added in 6.0.1 | |||||||||||
abiquo.nsxt.dhcp.services | Configure Tier-1 DFW to allow DHCP traffic from these services in CSV list format. |
| |||||||||
com.abiquo.esxi.clusterdatastore.atleastone | If true, the cluster plugin will return datastores that are properly mounted on at least one host in the cluster. |
| |||||||||
abiquo.ec2billing.parser.billType.ignore | Values to filter out from column bill/BillType from AWS billing CSV. |
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6.0.2 | |||||||||||
Added in 6.0.2 | |||||||||||
abiquo.azure.billing.parser.lineitem.productid.ignore.path | Path containing a file with a list of product IDs to ignore from azure billing line items, each ID on a new line. |
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6.0.3 | |||||||||||
Added in 6.0.3 | |||||||||||
com.abiquo.esxi.discovery.isoSizeSkip | If true, do not report size or capacity for ISO disks |
| |||||||||
abiquo.ldap.mode | Specify the LDAP integration mode to use, which can be ''single'' for LDAP only, or ''multi'' for Abiquo basic auth and LDAP |
| |||||||||
Changed in 6.0.3 | |||||||||||
abiquo.auth.module | For LDAP and basic auth with support for user management, set the value to “ldap” only |