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How to edit VM cost codes, lock and protect VMs, relocate a VM, troubleshoot VM launch, manage VMs with workflow feature, and perform power operations with the API on the hybrid cloud platform.


Edit virtual machine cost codes

To assign a cost code to a VM:


Privileges: Access pricing view, Assign a cost code when editing a VM template

  1. Edit the VM

  2. Go to Cost codes
    (warning) You cannot change cost codes that are inherited from the hardware profile or template 

  3. Click the + add button

  4. Select a Cost code

    1. For a cost code of Usage user licenses, enter the number of Users for the VM

  5. After you finish editing the VM, click Save


Include Page
VM cost codes
VM cost codes


Protect a VM

Insert excerpt
Protect a VM
Protect a VM
nameProtect a VM


Insert excerpt
Relocate a deployed VM to another host
Relocate a deployed VM to another host
nameRelocate a deployed VM to another host


What happens when the user clicks deploy?

The VM scheduler deploys the VM.


  1. Before you begin, create a VM with the Abiquo UI and power it off. Open the browser console. This example uses Chrome, so we clicked F12.

  2. Select the Network view

  3. Click the red arrow record button and the clear button next to it

  4. In the platform on the VM control panel, click the Start button

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  5. Scroll up to the first request, which should be a PUT request to the virtual machine state URL. Click on the request

    1. If you can't see the Method column, right click on a column heading and select Method from the list

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  6. Select the link to the VM up to the end of the VM ID number (before "/state")

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  7. Use a cURL request similar to the one the example below or a REST API tool such as Postman to perform a GET request to this link. For this basic testing, you can use the -k option to avoid security warnings.
