Table of Contents | ||||||
These release notes are for Abiquo v5.0.x. For the release notes of the current version, see Release notes
Abiquo YUM repositories are no longer open, please contact Abiquo Support to obtain your credentials
Pages documenting changes to the product between versions
See Abiquo Branding Guide for details of how to brand the UI
For UI label changes, compare current and past versions of these pages:
Changes to the Abiquo API: https://wiki.abiquo.com/api/latest/#changelog
Note: you may need to clear your browser cache to display the latest versions in the changelog menu
Upgrade instructions: Upgrade Abiquo
New features
New features are described in the Abiquo 5.0 Features section.
Abiquo tags vCloud Director Organization vDCs
Availability Sets in Azure
Configure reseller email accounts
Create public cloud accounts
Limit bandwidth of NAT IPs with QoS
Reset guest password in vCloud Director
Send webhook action in action plans
vCloud firewalls at Edge level
Amendment to release notes for Abiquo 4.7.0
The Avamar backup plugin was deprecated in Abiquo 4.7.0 as part of issue 12315 - Improve backup results management
Key | Description |
13165 | Quality of Service for NAT |
13080 | New webhook action type in action plans |
13063 | vCloud - Provide a way for the user to reset the guest password |
11405 | Azure - Enable users to manage Availability Sets |
11189 | Apply Tramontana design to UI |
Key | Description |
13337 | Reset password should always return the same message |
13302 | Add availability set privileges to enterprise admin |
13280 | Change reset password message to hide user details |
13240 | vCloud - Accept system user and password when adding credentials in UI |
13233 | Refresh dashboards and resize after resizing enterprises list |
13204 | Display CPU/RAM usage numbers for each virtual machine |
13203 | vCloud and ESXi WebMKS - Enable user to send CTRL-ALT-DELETE to Console |
13132 | AWS - Log exceptions as warning on create account wait |
13100 | Allow user credentials only for Abiquo user logged in with basic auth |
13094 | Add privilege to ENTERPRISE_VIEWER role to retrieve enterprise's virtual machines for dashboard grid. |
13091 | Add a new UI property to control display of 2fa item in username menu |
13090 | Filter Virtual machines by provider ID and display Provider ID in VM details |
13079 | Add full logs to vcenter-tag tool for tagging communication. Use command line flag to activate logs |
13062 | Azure - Invalid VDC name - make the error more user friendly. |
13057 | Review wikilinks for Abiquo 5.0. |
| |
13053 | Resizable popups |
13052 | Movable popups |
13050 | Create login error view |
| |
12917 | Show name and providerId on create/edit PCR forms |
12761 | vCloud - when using region = providerVdc, avoid using the external tool to tag the orgVdcs. |
12661 | Evaluate the need for hot reconfigure attributes in public cloud templates to extend from disks to NICs, for example |
12625 | Improve display of title of Longest time deployed widget on Optimization dashboard |
12475 | Amazon - Unhandled error creating VDC when date system is not synced |
12743 | Create Customer AWS Account in UI |
12742 | Create Customer CSP Account in UI |
12081 | Support for OpenJDK 11 runtime |
11546 | Add mail accounts for resellers |
11335 | Azure - Imported templates should be enabled by default for HotReconfigure |
10862 | vCloud - Public cloud templates could specify if hot reconfigure is enabled on import |
9615 | Amazon - Display error when creating a load balancer without subnet |
6713 | User creation/edition check password confirmation and display message if password and confirmation do not match |
Resolved Issues
Key | Description |
13308 | vCloud - NAT network selection not needed when creating VDC because there is no default NAT IP |
13303 | Public cloud - enable logical delete of public IPs in UI |
13295 | UI support for customer public cloud backup plugins |
13277 | VEEAM - Exception when an expired backup has no tasks - Customer ticket: 6225 |
13252 | NSX NAT 6.4.6 - GEN13 creating Firewall with The plugin will now ignore this address and use "Any" instead. |
13236 | Some templates in vCloud do not populate the OSType properly. Now populate OSType but not version as in ESX |
13212 | vCloud discard deprecated API versions and use highest possible API version up to v32 |
13119 | Verbose errors returned by login request |
13118 | Improve security using token only after login |
13117 | Improve cookie security |
13116 | Improve logout function |
13114 | Error when saving an alert with name/description with an accent mark. Configure jdbc with language support - Customer ticket: 6494 |
13085 | Disks of VM template can be created/edited via API if the user is not owner of the VM template |
13068 | Azure - Sometimes sync VM fails - added support for template names with mixed cases in some regions |
13051 | vCloud - Enable use of NAT IPs as loadbalancer addresses |
13047 | Spec - Cannot create VApp from spec which includes public volume |
13043 | vCloud - Allow user to reset VM login password |
13042 | Apply firewalls (security groups) at Edge level (microsegmentation / NSX distributed firewall). |
12882 | Logout API service with 405 response |
12835 | Amazon - Internal server error on logical delete of VPC (remove from Abiquo, not from the provider) |
12803 | Billing details - Review color distribution |
12770 | UI accepts incorrect input values for budget |
12637 | API doc - Relocate VM method does not have data entity description or example |
12595 | UI - Import Azure template with OS type of Windows does not retrieve any templates |
12492 | Add logo character for 5.0 |
11430 | Infrastructure - Auto refresh does not keep current VM selected |
11192 | VEEAM backups do not expire on Abiquo, we show expired results - Customer ticket: 6443 |
11164 | API - Review and change force parameter to logicalDelete parameter to remove public cloud entities from Abiquo, not from the provider |
New feature guides
The following feature guides describe Abiquo 5.0.1 features and improvements:
Create users to access the cloud provider portal
Accept terms of use for Azure VM templates
Features and improvements
Key | Category | Summary | Notes |
13485 | Networker | Make client debug log property "reloadable" | |
13482 | Networker | Add properties to enable administrator to configure networker API timeouts | |
13433 | Azure | Add User Administrator role to the application generated with create account to enable Create user feature | |
13419 | Public cloud | Add button on Enterprise Credentials tab to request access to the cloud provider console | |
13417 | Azure | Add a new privilege to accept virtual machine template terms | |
13416 | User interface | Accept template terms when the template is imported | |
13411 | Public cloud | Create user account in provider for Azure, AWS, and vCloud | |
13406 | User interface | Azure - Some templates require the user to accept the marketplace terms | |
13400 | Azure | Account creation fails when creating a new cart | |
13390 | Azure | Dashboard arm-billing module - Category cannot be null. Script now sets null category to "Other" | |
13381 | Networker | Add properties for working with dual / stretched sites | |
13371 | Public cloud | Show account ID information for public provider credentials | |
13368 | Billing | Optimize billing by removing zero rows and improve custom usages. Show custom usage name | |
13364 | Veeam | Veeam 9.5u4 - Cannot configure mininterval. | |
13354 | Virtual machine | Only let the user edit variables when the VM is not deployed | |
13315 | User interface | User interface - Improve all checkbox grid columns | |
13263 | API documentation | Wildcard (_) for enterprise ID is not documented in list users | |
13259 | Azure | Enable user to accept Azure marketplace agreement in Abiquo | |
13232 | Control | Show HTTP status code for send webhook action in action plans, in addition to status name | |
13208 | Azure | Filter current valid hardware profiles for Azure template | |
12962 | vCloud Director | Properly recognize vCloud PCR endpoints to improve UI provider groups | |
12916 | Public cloud | Regions to find prices should be fixed and updated because some AWS AP region APIs are currently not supporting pricing queries | |
12896 | Veeam | Veeam 9.5u4 - Add additional backup jobs to enable policies to respect retention times. You MUST create a Code for each backup policy that is the same as the backup job name in Veeam, so Abiquo can find the backup jobs. You can now create different jobs with corresponding policies to support different retention times. See Configure Abiquo Veeam Backup Plugin#Configureallbackupjobswithpolicycodes | |
12821 | vCloud Director | Support the deploy of templates that require an admin password. If guest initial password is not used, disable the admin password, and set a single autologin, then require the user to set a new password | |
11082 | Azure | Make VM name consistent in Azure. Use the Abiquo label as the VM name. Store the Abiquo VM name in the abiquo-name tag. The label cannot be empty and the user cannot edit the label. You cannot have two VMs with the same label in the Azure resource group (PCR). To create VMs from the same template the UI uses an index number but omits the parentheses, e.g. ubuntuserver1. See How does the platform identify entities | |
11057 | Azure | Check allowed VM name format or remove restrictions if possible. Windows VM up to 15 characters, other VM up to 64 characters. Note: Abiquo checks the labels of unallocated VMs only. See How does the platform identify entities | |
10329 | vCloud Director | Enable the user to synchronize external networks |
Resolved issues
Key | Category | Summary | Notes |
13510 | Azure | VM Storage sync could detach wrong volumes (only in the platform, not in the provider) | |
13505 | Private cloud | Cannot change VM datastore tier if datacenter and repository IDs are not equal | |
13487 | VMware | No "Ctrl+Alt+Del" button displayed for Windows VMs using WebKMS remote access | |
13481 | Backup | Avamar deprecation in 4.7 was not documented | |
13477 | Pricing | Assign a pricing model to an enterprise - Add Enterprise associations button and dialog to Pricing models | Ticket: 6635 |
13471 | Backup | Backup manager connection is not validated. When creating a backup manager, check that a connection can be made, although further validation may be required per plugin | |
13462 | User interface | Listing volumes at VDC level has different columns compared to previous versions | |
13451 | vCloud Director | "TemplatesCheck" process fails to detect templates that are not found/without guest tools | |
13450 | vCloud Director | Should not be allowed create instance template for VM without guest tools on template | |
13449 | Amazon | Volume synchronization triggers duplicate entry 'vol-XXX' for key 'PRIMARY' error | |
13440 | User interface | Add privilege for user to accept terms of use | |
13418 | User interface | Mini checkboxes in checklist for VM Chef recipe selection | |
13409 | User interface | Edit template Variables tab has format error | |
13398 | Networker | Filter obtained results does not work. Results shown are ahead of time by zone offset. Delete protection group does not work. | 4.7.4 |
13396 | User interface | Overlay of options and VM details box in VDC on Virtual machines tab | |
13395 | User interface | Volumes tab in virtual datacenter in public cloud - Pagination does not work | |
13394 | General | Wrong message when no results from Search filter of virtual appliances | |
13389 | General | Tracer message with English error | |
13383 | User interface | Availability set option must be active only for supported providers | |
13372 | Control | Error creating budget because of missing currency code in UI request | |
13370 | ESXi | Include websocket proxy as queryParam in the WebMKS URL. Configure property to define proxy set in Apache and nginx configurations | |
13369 | Control | VMs created as minimum in scaling group can have the same timestamp as a label and don't display in pricing estimate. Check VM label is valid, and consider Azure VM name is defined from the Abiquo label | |
13367 | User interface | Details of events are unreadable. Long Name or Context fields overlap other fields | Ticket: 6574 |
13366 | User interface | Export template - public cloud region selection grid has no padding | |
13361 | NSX | NSX NAT - Can't add a Health check for load balancer using protocol ICMP | Ticket: 6496 |
13360 | User interface | CPU and RAM metrics figures on VM icon don't display correctly with scaling group | |
13357 | Customer integration | User interface - Customer integration - Custom Virtual machine menu item missing in VDC on Virtual machines view | Ticket: 6561 |
13348 | Virtual machines | Restricted VApp and its VMs should NOT be displayed for a USER without appropriate privileges | |
13345 | User interface | Reset VM guest password privilege is missing the UI label | |
13344 | vCloud Director | English error in vCloud credentials provider discovery message | |
13343 | Accounting | ESXi - Accounting does not take into account transitions related to PAUSED state. The platform does not support these transitions but must register them when they are performed outside the platform | |
13318 | User interface | Wrong toast mistake shown while shutting down a virtual machine. Toast message should state that shutdown was started successfully only | |
13301 | Amazon | Firewall that does not exist in provider cannot be assigned to a VDC. Display edit button for firewall that does not exist in the provider at regional level | |
13300 | vCloud Director | Reorder / Remove IPs from provider does not take effect in Abiquo | |
13290 | vCloud Director | Error returned managing firewalls after setting "abiquo.vcd.firewall.vappnetwork=true" but the classic firewall was created when the property the property was false. After the upgrade, you must manually sync classic firewalls before editing rules, and an error will indicate this | |
13283 | User interface | Azure create VDC with custom network displays AWS Availability zone option | |
13275 | Monitoring | Monitoring does not publish metrics for any VMs if there is a ''bad'' VM. This is an unusual case caused by a subscription of a VM that has been removed from the Abiquo database and the plugin | |
13205 | Monitoring | Negative usage statistics values for standardized CPU and RAM metrics | |
13088 | User interface | Change PCR name length limitation on Edit PCR tab. Public cloud region name can be up to 255 characters | |
13036 | vCloud Director | Invalid IP range after synchronizing external network with static pool defined | |
13035 | vCloud Director | Error synchronizing load balancers without Health check. Abiquo requires a health check but vCloud Director does not. Skip load balancers without health check | |
12941 | Control | Wrong time for end date attribute when creating a budget. The time should be 23:59:59 | |
12940 | ESXi | vCenter WebKMS connections should be proxied through the RS. Configuration information is available on request | 6510 |
12698 | vCloud Director | VM deployment fails using templates without VMware Tools installed. Prevent users from importing templates without VMware tools installed. For existing templates without VMware tools, after two repository checks, set these templates to unavailable so users cannot deploy, usually within 24 hours of upgrade | |
12498 | API | Duplicated link with rel "defaultvlan" in VDC. The action to make a network the default has a link relation attribute of "defaultvlan" and the default VLAN of the VDC has "vlan" | |
12007 | Apache | Change to Apache configuration for minor security reasons | |
12004 | Apace | Change to Apache configuration for minor security reasons | |
11478 | API documentation | API documentation - Errors in some resource method names | |
8862 | User interface | Truncated text in Create template with create disk from ISO dialogue |
Key | Category | Description | Notes |
13639 | Authentication | Should be able to work with SAML+ 2FA at once | |
13609 | vCenter cluster | Datastore not retrieved if not accessible or properly mounted on a host that does not belong to the current cluster | Customer ticket: 6652 |
Resolved issues
Key | Category | Description | |
13670 | Public cloud | Public cloud credentials do not appear in the user interface if account_id is NULL | |
13624 | Backup | When configuring getBackupTasks.currentpage, when the iteration ends, the property is removed and its value is sent to getRestoreSessions.currentpage | |
13606 | Dnsmasq | dnsmasq-restore should ignore nics without mask (not deployed) | |
13605 | Dnsmasq | dnsmasq will not work if the VLAN was created before assigning the Dnsmasq RS | |
13604 | Dnsmasq | dnsmasq-restore should consider network name | |
13584 | Backup | Timeout during checkExpiredResults does not abort the operation | |
13583 | Backup | Veeam - isExpired fails if the session is not found - to be confirmed | |
13580 | Backup | Veeam - plugin fails on invalid backupTaskSessions - to be confirmed | |
13570 | Accounting | Moving a VM into an empty VApp may cause no accounting data to be created |
Key | Category | Description |
13769 | vCenter cluster | Allow admin to remove a physical machine with protected VMs - (vCenter cluster migration tool should ignore protected VMs) |
13953 | Azure | Allow Azure credentials without App ID to enable Azure billing only |
13810 | User interface | Some popups have an excessive width |
13809 | User interface | Apps library template name is always cropped |
Resolved issues
Key | Category | Description |
Key | Category | Description |
13996 | Azure | Billing - No estimated values if no bills have been generated |
13958 | vCenter cluster | Deploy failure when NFS template repository is added on some hosts. It does not fail when the NFS is added on all hosts or no hosts |
13808 | User interface | Edit VM backup events doesn't show event details |
13807 | User interface | Edit VM backups crops "Image backup now" button |
13767 | User interface | Usability improvements for Customer integration and various in Firefox 68. When creating a VM, enter the label after you select the template |
13690 | User interface | Adapt customer integration to Abiquo v5.0 |
13682 | Azure | Azure CSP - API calls return 500 if access token is expired |
13624 | Backup | When configuring getBackupTasks.currentpage, when the iteration ends, the property is removed and its value is sent to getRestoreSessions.currentpage |
Resolved issues
Key | Category | Description | Customer ticket |
14059 | Azure | Azure Plans - Daily billing. Add cost by entitlementId and other customer purchases. | |
14047 | Customer integration | Billing issue: the list of available providers shows more entries than those allowed by the license | 6777 |
14015 | Customer integration | Errors while creating an Azure account | 6775 |
14002 | Azure | Error saving Azure credentials if they are from a different subscription | 6768 |
Resolved issues
Key | Category | Description | Customer ticket |
14197 | Customer integration | Account creation error when trying to add subscription to the customer | 6775 |
14082 | Backup | Veeam cache fails to load when Veeam server uses hypervisor not used in Abiquo | 6785 |
14077 | Backup | Networker fails creating backup with size in KB bigger than integer range | Also in 4.7.8 |
14062 | Customer integration | Provider daily biling. Modify bill script to use daily billing database | |
14025 | Customer integration | Two tenants display the same bills with two different subscriptions but the same Azure plan | 6781 |
Resolved issues
Key | Category | Description | Customer ticket |
14420 | Azure | Create account User Account Administrator role not found |
Resolved issues
Key | Category | Description |
14744 | Customer integration | Modify proxy to support new fields for CSP customer onboarding |
14736 | Azure | User interface - Add "organizationRegistrationNumber" property to account creation |
14728 | Azure | CSP customer onboarding requires phone number and organization INN for listed countries. |
Resolved issues
Key | Category | Description |
14779 | Azure | CSP - Azure resource provider Microsoft.Network registration stuck in Registering state. Added abiquo.azure.account.creation.polling.delay.seconds to abiquo.properties. Do not wait for registration to complete while creating account. |
Resolved issues
Key | Category | Description |
14800 | Azure | [CSP] create account - make resource provider registration wait configurable Added abiquo.azure.account.creation.resource.provider.polling.delay.minutes |
Key | Category | Description | Notes |
15001 | Azure | Rename Feign timeout configuration properties for Azure plugin. Old names had the format: Rename to specify that those properties belong to the http client Feign for the Azure plugin | Also in: |
14986 | Azure | Remove credentials if CreateAccountResponseListener#done fails. | Also in: |
Resolved issues
Key | Category | Description | Notes |
14992 | Azure | Timeout issues during account creation | Also in: |
14989 | Azure | Remove final space in GraphAPI#addMemberToDirectoryRole | Also in: |
14985 | Azure | List hardware profile can cause OutOfMemoryError | Also in: |
Key | Category | Description | Notes |
15131 | SAML | Add property to enable a new SAML login into an enterprise pool:
| Also in: |
15095 | Amazon | AWS - Create account for reseller customer - Sometimes assumeRole doesn't work and triggers an accessDenied.
| Also in: |