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In public cloud providers with hardware profiles, when you create a public cloud region and add credentials for an enterprise, Abiquo will automatically retrieve the hardware profiles for the public cloud region.

  • Provider hardware profiles are locked, which means that you cannot edit them
  • In public cloud regions with provider hardware profiles that also support CPU and RAM, you can deactivate hardware profiles mode.


By default, for each enterprise with credentials, the hardware profiles mode is enabled. By default, all hardware profiles are available to all enterprises. The Abiquo administrator can edit the list of profiles that is available to an enterprise in a public cloud region, and they can make recommendations for templates, if this is not done automatically.


For AWS, Abiquo recommends hardware profiles based on information supplied by AWS in the following table, which was loaded into Abiquo at the time this feature was developed: 

If you synchronize a public cloud region and a virtual machine has a hardware profile that is not allowed for the enterprise, the platform will automatically allow the hardware profile.

In public cloud regions with native hardware profiles that also support CPU and RAM, you can deactivate hardware profiles mode.


Create a hardware profile


Include Page
GUI Create a hardware profile private cloud
GUI Create a hardware profile private cloud



Enable users to work with hardware profiles

After you have synchronized or created your hardware profiles, enable users work with them, as follows:

  1. Enable hardware profiles for your tenants and select allowed hardware profiles.  Manage Enterprises#Allowtenantstousehardwareprofiles
    • This section also describes how to disable hardware profiles for a tenant
  2. Configure hardware profiles for templates templates. See Modify a Template for Hypervisor and Modify a Template for Public Cloud


  1. Set prices for hardware profiles in


To enable hardware profiles in a tenant, edit the tenant and edit an allowed location.



Disable hardware profile mode

You can disable hardware profiles mode if the provider also supports CPU and RAM. When you disable it for an enterprise in a datacenter, the hardware profile details will simply “disappear” from virtual machines, and users will work with CPU and RAM values again. When editing the enterprise, however, the profiles that you made available are still marked, in case you decide to enable hardware profiles again.

If you enable hardware profile mode again, Abiquo enables hardware profiles like the first time you enabled hardware profiles. After re-enabling hardware profile mode, you should check templates and recommended hardware profiles.

Disable individual hardware profiles

To restrict enterprise access to a specific hardware profile, if the enterprise does not have any deployed virtual machines using it, you can edit the enterprise’s allowed datacenter and unselect the hardware profile in the available list.

You can also make Abiquo hardware profiles inactive in Infrastructure view, at any time and even if they are used in deployed virtual machines. See Stop users from working with a hardware profile

Stop users from working with a hardware profile

You can make an Abiquo hardware profile inactive at any time. This is useful because you cannot delete a hardware profile if it is in use in a deployed virtual machine. Users cannot work with inactive hardware profiles and Abiquo will not display them to select as recommended profiles in templates or for use in virtual machines.

If a user already is already using a hardware profile on a virtual machine when you deactivate it, they can continue to use it until they delete their virtual machine. And in this case, the administrator can save the enterprise’s allowed datacenter with the inactive hardware profile selected. If the administrator deletes a hardware profile, it will be automatically removed from all enterprises. This means that an undeployed virtual machine could have no hardware profile and the user will need to select a new one before they deploy.

Activate a hardware profile again

You can activate a hardware profile again at any time. Also, Abiquo will automatically activate an existing hardware profile in preference to creating a new one when switching to hardware profile mode, capturing a virtual machine, or creating a virtual appliance from a spec.

Capture VM when using hardware profiles

In private cloud, when you capture a virtual machine, Abiquo will try to assign an existing hardware profile to it. If the profile for the combination of CPU and RAM is inactive, Abiquo will activate this profile and assign it. Otherwise, Abiquo will create a new hardware profile named ABQ_HP_{cpu}_{ram}_ID.

Recommend hardware profiles for templates

For each virtual machine template, the administrator can recommend a set of hardware profiles, selecting from the active profiles that are available to the enterprise. See Modify a Template for Hypervisor and Modify a Template for Public Cloud

Restrict users to recommended hardware profiles

In Abiquo 4.0.2+ the administrator can select the option to Enable only recommended hardware profiles. This means that the platform will only display the recommended profiles and if there are no recommended profiles available, the user cannot deploy. When a user creates a virtual appliance from a spec, if the required hardware profile is not recommended, then none will be assigned and a deploy will fail. When synchronizing from public cloud, if the hardware profile is not recommended, then a deploy will fail.

Hardware profiles with template CPU and RAM limits

When using platform hardware profiles, the administrator can still set the minimum and maximum CPU and RAM for the template. 

After the administrator saves the template with appropriate CPU and RAM limit values, Abiquo filters the display of hardware profiles to only show values in this range, unless the user has the privilege to Override virtual machine constraints. In this case, Abiquo will display all available profiles, or all recommended profiles.

Set prices for hardware profiles

From Abiquo 4.0.2, you can set prices for hardware profiles in private and public cloud. In Pricing view, the Resource prices tab has a new Hardware profiles page where you can enter prices. 

See Pricing View#Hardware profiles


  1. pricing view on the Resources tab. See Pricing View#Hardware profiles



Automatic management of hardware profiles

Under some circumstances, the platform will automatically manage hardware profiles.

If you synchronize a public cloud region and a virtual machine has a hardware profile that is not allowed for the enterprise, the platform will automatically allow the hardware profile.

If you capture a virtual machine, 

Users working with hardware profiles


if the user has the privilege to Override virtual machine constraints, they can modify virtual machine CPU and RAM to values outside the maximum and minimum values defined in the template. This means that the user with the Override virtual machine constraints privilege can select a displayed hardware profile that is outside of the minimum and maximum values, which may alter the hardware profiles displayed for the template.

Edit a virtual machine to change the hardware profile
