The Abiquo DRaaS plugin is part of the Abiquo platform install but it requires a separate license that must be present to load the plugin .
Set Abiquo Configuration Properties
On the Abiquo Server, enable VM duplicate names in different datacenters. See Configure Abiquo to capture VMs with duplicate names
Code Block abiquo.virtualmachine.namesperdc=true
On the Remote Services server, set the NARS async pool property, which must have a value of 1. Note that this is the default value for this integration
Code Block abiquo.nars.async.pool.zerto.max=1
Configure the network name prefixes for DRaaS networks, for recovery and failover tests.
Configure the name of the vCenter network that recovered VMs will use. For a test environment where you are only using DRaaS with one enterprise, you can create a network in vCenter with this name for the enterprise and create matching external network in Abiquo.
Code Block abiquo.draas.recovery.network.name=Draasnet
If you are using DRaaS with more tenants, in Abiquo you must create an external network for each enterprise to match one in the recovery vCenter with a name such as DraasnetEnterprise1. The first part of the network name is this property's value, and the second part is the value of an enterprise property with a key of "DR-code".
Configure the default network used for failover tests by the DRaaS provider. The naming convention is the same as for the recovery network.
Code Block abiquo.draas.recovery.testnetwork.name=DraasTestnet
Optionally configure recovery host details
Default host Host name where the selected VMs will be recovered by the DRaaS provider. Accepts wildcard(*) to match any string
Code Block abiquo.draas.recovery.cluster.name=*Cluster*
Default datastore Datastore name that the VMs will use when recovered by the DRaaS provider. Accepts wildcard(*) to match any string
Code Block abiquo.draas.recovery.datastore.name=*datastore-local*
Default folder Folder name where the selected VMs will be recovered by the DRaaS provider. Accepts wildcard(*) to match any string
Code Block abiquo.draas.recovery.folder.name=/
- Optionally configure protection group defaults – could they manually set other values?
Set default priority for the protection groups. This property can have the following values: Low, Medium, High.
Code Block abiquo.draas.pg.priority=Medium
Set default journal history for the protection groups in hours
Code Block abiquo.draas.pg.journalhistory.hours=24
Set default recovery point objective for the protection groups in hours
Code Block abiquo.draas.pg.rpo.seconds=180
Optionally configure the delay between synchronization of DRaaS in seconds
Code Block abiquo.draas.check.delay.seconds=60