Property | Description | | | | |
4.2.0 |
Added |
| Update DHCP during virtual machine capture Default: false | | | | |
abiquo.monitoring.max.statistic.period.days | Maximium period in days for statistical metrics queries through the API Default: 7 | | | | |
abiquo.nsx.edge.datastore-policy | Allocation policy for selection of datastores to deploy Edge appliances. Default: leastvms Range: leastvms, mostspace | | | | |
abiquo.rabbitmq.tls | Set to true if RabbitMQ server is SSL enabled Default: false | | | | |
abiquo.rabbitmq.tls.trustallcertificates | The platform will not enforce any server certificate authentication if set to true Default: false | | | | |
abiquo.vm.statsupdate.interval | Interval between executions of the virtual machine standardized stats updater in milliseconds Default: 43200000 | | | | |
abiquo.vm.statsupdate.range.days | Number of days to consider in the statistic query executed by the virtual machine standardized stats updater Default: 30 | | | | |
abiquo.watchtower.password | Watchtower password Default: xabiquo | | | | |
abiquo.watchtower.tls | Set to true if Watchtower server is SSL enabled Default: false | | | | |
abiquo.watchtower.tls.trustallcertificates | The platform will not enforce any server certificate authentication if true Default: false | | | | |
abiquo.watchtower.username | Watchtower username Default: admin | | | | |
Changed |
abiquo.backup.check.delay | Delay between executions of the backup results check (milliseconds). Default is 10 minutes Default: 600000 Change to default value | | | | |
abiquo.nsx.edge.datastore-id | List of vCenter datastores where the Edge appliances will be deployed in CSV format with allocation according to abiquo.nsx.edge.datastore-policy Changed to CSV list | | | | |
Deprecated |
com.abiquo.esxi.experimental.eagerzero.copy | If true, force eager zero thick provisioning on copied disks. Deprecated and replaced by Allocation attribute for VM templates and VM disks | | | | | | If true, force eager zero thick provisioning on new empty disks. Deprecated and replaced by Allocation attribute for VM templates and VM disks | | | | |
Deleted |
abiquo.esxi.datastoreVmFile | The datastore to hold the VM definition file when deploying VMs with only volumes attached. If there are standard disks, use the datastore of one of these disks, otherwise use the property. The default value is defined by 'abiquo.esxi.datastoreRdm'. | | | | |
abiquo.server.mail.auth | If authentication is required to connect to the mail server Default: true
| | | | |
4.2.1 |
Added |
abiquo.cpp.cloudoorsphere.defaults.healthcheck.attempts | The load balancer health check attempts to return while syncing a load balancer Default: 3 | | | | |
abiquo.cpp.cloudoorsphere.defaults.healthcheck.bodyregex | The load balancer health check body regex to return while syncing a load balancer | | | | |
abiquo.cpp.cloudoorsphere.defaults.healthcheck.interval | The load balancer health check interval to return while syncing a load balancer Default: 60000 | | | | |
abiquo.cpp.cloudoorsphere.defaults.healthcheck.path | The load balancer health check path to return while syncing a load balancer Default: / | | | | |
abiquo.cpp.cloudoorsphere.defaults.healthcheck.port | The load balancer health check port to return while syncing a load balancer Default: 80 | | | | |
abiquo.cpp.cloudoorsphere.defaults.healthcheck.protocol | The load balancer health check protocol to return while syncing a load balancer Default: http | | | | |
abiquo.cpp.cloudoorsphere.defaults.healthcheck.statusregex | The load balancer health check status regex to return while syncing a load balancer Default: 200 | | | | |
abiquo.cpp.cloudoorsphere.defaults.healthcheck.timeout | The load balancer health check timeout to return while syncing a load balancer Default: 20000 | | | | |
abiquo.cpp.cloudoorsphere.defaults.loadbalancer.algorithm | The load balancer algorithm to return while syncing a load balancer Default: round-robin | | | | |
abiquo.cpp.cloudoorsphere.defaults.loadbalancer.instancetype | The instance type (hardware profile) to use when creating a load balancer Default: t2.nano | | | | |
| The list of algorithms supported by the load balancers (comma-separated values) Default: round-robin | | | | |
| Timeout to use while creating a load balancer and waiting for a finished status Default: 600000 | | | | |
| Timeout to use while deleting a load balancer and waiting for a finished status because the API does not return this status Default: 600000 | | | | |
abiquo.nsx.edge.description | Edge description. See Configure the NSX integration Default: Managed by Abiquo This property is obligatory in Abiquo 4.2.1+. You can add this property for the entire platform, or for each enterprise as "nsx.edge.description". You must add this property or the platform will not function | | | | |
abiquo.nsx.edge.dhcp.size | Specify the size of the DHCP Edge appliance (ecmp plugin). See Configure the NSX integration Default: compact Range: compact, large, quadlarge, xlarge This property is obligatory in Abiquo 4.2.1+. You can add this property for the entire platform, or for each enterprise as nsx.edge.dhcp.size. You must add this property or the platform will not function | | | | |
| Specify the size of the ESG Edge appliance (gateway and ecmp plugin). See Configure the NSX integration Default: compact Range: compact, large, quadlarge, xlarge This property is obligatory in Abiquo 4.2.1+. You can add this property for the entire platform, or for each enterprise as nsx.edge.esg.size. You must add this property or the platform will not function | | | | |
abiquo.nsx.edge.plr-esg-id | ID of the Edge that acts as the PLR (nsx-nat only) | | | | |
abiquo.nsx.edge.plr-transit-cidr | CIDR of the transit network to be used between the PLR and the Edges of each Abiquo VDC (nsx-nat only) | | | | |
abiquo.nsx.edge.plr-transit-ip | Configure the IP to be used to connect the PLR to the plr-transit vSwitch (nsx-nat only). Optional, if not set, use the lowest address in "abiquo.nsx.edge.plr-transit-cidr" | | | | |
abiquo.virtualfactory.cloudoorsphere.vmstate.retry.timeoutInMilliseconds | The timeout to get the state of a VM after a power action Default: 1800000 | | | | |
cloudoorsphere.non-retryable | A list of API calls that must not be retried after an error code in the response (comma-separated values) Default: server:create |
| |
abiquo.vcd.connectionTimeoutMs | Time to wait to establish the connection to vCloud Director (milliseconds) Default: 10000 | | | | |
abiquo.vcd.login.TimeoutMs | Maximum time to wait for login to vCloud Director (milliseconds) Default: 60000 | | | | |
| Maximum time to wait to read from the connection to vCloud Director (milliseconds) Default: 30000 | | | | |
4.2.1 |
Added |
abiquo.nsx.nat.protocols | Allowed NAT rule protocols (nsx-nat only) Default: TCP,UDP,ANY,ICMP#ANY,ICMP#Parameter-Problem,ICMP#Echo-Request,ICMP#Destination-Unreachable,ICMP#Redirect,ICMP#Router-Solicitation,ICMP#Time-Exceeded,ICMP#Address-Mask-Request,ICMP#Timestamp-Reply,ICMP#Router-Advertisement,ICMP#Timestamp-Request,ICMP#Address-Mask-Reply,ICMP#Echo-Reply,ICMP#Source-Quench | | | | |
Changed |
| Network range where the "public" load balancer IPs will be taken from. It must be a range dedicated to Abiquo. Deleted from NAT plugin, still used in gateway plugin | | | | |
4.2.3 |
Added |
| Template to configure guest initial passwords that enables you to define the length and the character set. The following tokens are allowed in the template: - lower= –configures the number of lower case characters to generate
- upper= –configures the number of upper case characters to generate
- numbers= –configures the number of numbers to generate
- symbols= –configures the number of special characters to generate.
- global= –configures the number of total characters to generate.
For each token, the value must be in one of the following formats: - N –generate this exact number of characters
- N-M –generate between N and M characters
- N- –generate at least N characters.
- -M –generate at most M characters
Examples: - Password with at least 2 lower case and upper case letters, between 2 and 4 special characters, and a total length of 10 characters:
abiquo.guest.password.length = lower=2-,upper=2-,numbers=0,symbols=2-4,global=10 - Password with at least 5 characters, regardless of the content: abiquo.guest.password.length = global=5-
Default: lower=2-6,upper=2-6,numbers=2-6,symbols=2-6 | | | | |
abiquo.guest.password.exclude | Characters to avoid when generating guest passwords, for example: ,;$ | |
| | Do not try to retrieve historical metrics data for vCloud Director, only use live metrics Default: false | | | | | | If it is not possible to retrieve historical metrics data for vCloud Director, attempt to use live metrics Default: true | | | | |
| Private network connection to allow outgoing traffic in vCloud Director. Value can be "none" for isolated networks or any existing organization network name. The default value of "edge-uplink" will use the external network connected to the edge gateway of the organization virtual datacenter. Default: edge-uplink | | | | |
abiquo.virtualfactory.hyperv.automaticShutdownAction | Action to take for the VM when the host is shut down. Sets Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData.AutomaticShutdownAction creating a VM. When it is set to "3", the state will be saved and swap files will be written; set their location with the swapFileDataRoot property. Default: 3 Range: 2, 3, 4 | | | | |
abiquo.virtualfactory.hyperv.refreshMonitorJob.intervalms | Refresh interval in milliseconds for checking progress on operations that require monitoring of a job, such as disk copies. Default: 1000 | | | | |
abiquo.virtualfactory.hyperv.sambaHosts | List of Samba hosts where the platform can discover shares to use as Hyper-V datastores. The list is in CSV format. Leave empty to not try discovery | | | | |
abiquo.virtualfactory.hyperv.swapFileDataRoot | The path of a directory where swap files for the VM will be stored. When the automaticShutdownAction property is set to save the VM state, swap files will be written to this location. Default: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Hyper-V | | | | |