Property | Description | | | | |
5.2.0 |
| |
Added in Abiquo 5.2.0 |
abiquo.api.fileresults.path | Path to file storing pending results to be processed in the API. Default: /opt/abiquo/results-api | | |
abiquo.billing.task.cron | Cron expression to run the consolidation of usage and cost from public cloud providers. Default: 0 30 0 ? * * * | | |
abiquo.costusage.task.frequencyinhours | Frequency of running the consolidation of accounted usage. Default: 24 Range: > 0 | | |
abiquo.draas.check.delay.seconds | Delay between executions of the DRaaS sync in seconds. Default: 60 | | |
| | Default journal history hours for the protection groups. Default: 24 |
| |
| | Default priority for the protection groups. Default: Medium Range: Low, Medium, High |
| |
| | Default recovery point objective for the protection groups in seconds. Default: 180 |
| |
| | Default host name where the DRaaS provider will recover the selected VMs. Accepts wildcard (*) to match any string. Default: *Cluster* |
| |
| | Default datastore name that the VMs will use when recovered by the DRaaS provider. Accepts wildcard (*) to match any string. Default: *datastore-local* |
| |
| | Default folder name where the selected VMs will be recovered by the DRaaS provider. Accepts wildcard (*) to match any string. Default: / |
| |
| | Default network used for failover by the DRaaS provider. Accepts wildcard (*) to match any string Default: Draasnet |
| |
| | Default network used for failover test by the DRaaS provider. Accepts wildcard (*) to match any string. Default: DraasTestnet |
| |
| | Months of offset to regenerate and download bills back from current date. Regeneration is done with data from cost usage details. Default: 2 | | |
| Connection timeout for Azure billing process in seconds Default: 10 |
| |
| | Read timeout for Azure billing process in seconds Default: 60 |
| |
| Publishers list for Google Cloud with a list of project names in CSV format. See Default: centos-cloud,cos-cloud,debian-cloud,fedora-coreos-cloud,rhel-cloud,rhel-sap-cloud,suse-cloud,suse-byos-cloud,suse-sap-cloud,ubuntu-os-cloud,windows-cloud,windows-sql-cloud |
| |
abiquo.googlecloud.waitforstartupscript.retry.seconds | Google Cloud time to retry when waiting for startup script to run. Default: 10 |
| |
abiquo.googlecloud.waitforstartupscript.timeout.seconds | Google Cloud timeout when waiting for startup script to run. Default: 1200 |
| |
abiquo.googlecloud.waitforstatus.retry.seconds | Google Cloud time to retry in wait for status. Default: 5 |
| |
abiquo.googlecloud.waitforstatus.timeout.seconds | Default Google Cloud wait for status timeout. Default: 180 |
| |
abiquo.nars.async.fileresults.path | Path to file storing pending results to be downloaded by the API. if the same datacenter is using multiple NARS instances, then this path should be a shared folder accessible from all the NARS in the same datacenter. This is because the async task can be processed by any NARS instance but the API will request the download from the IP of the Remote Service in the database. Default: /opt/abiquo/results-nars |
| |
| | API to NARS HTTP client configuration: milliseconds to wait for a download to be completed. Default: 600000 | |
abiquo.pricing.credentials.check.delayInHrs | Delay between executions of the pricing credentials check (hours) Default: 720 | |
abiquo.subscriptions.check.delayInHrs | Frequency in hours of the periodic check to clean up orphan VSM subscriptions for VMs that do not exist any more. Default: 24 | |
abiquo.tagging.synccheckcron | Cron expression to execute the periodic tag synchronization by enterprise Default: 0 0 */4 ? * * | |
zerto.feign.logger.level | Logger level for Feign HTTP client. Range: none, basic, headers, full Default: none |
| |
zerto.polling.delay.seconds | Delay between polling requests to update Zerto tasks status. Default: 60 |
| |
zerto.propagation.delay.seconds | Wait time that finished Zerto tasks require to propagate the changes. Default: 10 |
| |
zerto.ssl.allow.insecure | Allow Zerto plugin to use insecure connections Default: false |
| |
Changed in Abiquo 5.2 |
abiquo.nars.async.pool.{plugin}.max | For zerto you must set this value to 1 |
| |
abiquo.virtualfactory.{plugin}.defaultloginname | Added googlecloudplatform |
| |
abiquo.virtualfactory.{plugin}.defaultloginpassword | Added googlecloudplatform |
| |
Deleted in Abiquo 5.2.0 |
abiquo.azurecompute-arm.vpn.virtualnetworkgateway.check.maxperiod |
| |
abiquo.azurecompute-arm.vpn.virtualnetworkgateway.check.period |
| |
abiquo.azurecompute-arm.vpn.virtualnetworkgateway.check.timeout |
| | |
abiquo.azurecompute-arm.vpn.virtualnetworkgateway.check.timeunit |
| |
abiquo.azurecompute-arm.vpn.virtualnetworkgateway.sku.capacity |
| |
abiquo.azurecompute-arm.vpn.virtualnetworkgateway.sku.tier |
| |
5.0.6 - changes included in 5.2.0 |
New |
---| | Role template ID of the Directory role to be assigned to the application created by Create account. The default is the role template ID of the "User Administrator" role. See Default: fe930be7-5e62-47db-91af-98c3a49a38b1 |
| |
Deprecated |
---| |
| |
5.0.7 - changes included in 5.2.0 |
New |
---| | The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the countries for which an organization registration number must be specified, in CSV format. Note that for all these countries, phone number will also be required. Only used for field verification before actual customer creation is performed. See Default: am,az,by,hu,kz,kg,md,ru,tj,uz,ua |
| |
| | Default organization registration number used in account creation if the country requires organization registration number, but the number is not provided. Default: ABQDEFAULT |
| |
| | Default phone number used in account creation if the country requires organization registration number, but the phone number is not provided. Default: ABQ-PHONE |
| |
5.0.8 - changes included in 5.2.0 |
New |
---| | Delay between polling requests for account creation Default: 10 |
| |
5.0.9 - changes included in 5.2.0 |
New |
---| | Delay in minutes between resource provider registration wait polling requests. Default: 1 |
| |
| | Timeout used for resource provider registration wait. A value of 0 will disable the wait and the account creation will not wait for registration of the resource providers to complete before finishing the process. Default: 20 |
| |
5.0.10 - changes included in 5.2.1 |
| Connection timeout for Azure billing process in seconds Default: 10 Name changed from abiquo.feign.connection.timeout.seconds |
| |
| | | Read timeout for Azure billing process in seconds Default: 60 Name changed from |
| |
| |
5.1.3 - changes included in 5.2.1 |
abiquo.fqdn.label.pattern | Pattern to check between "." in VM FQDN and network DNS suffix Default: [a-zA-Z](([a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,61})?[a-zA-Z0-9])? | |
5.2.1 |
New in Abiquo 5.2.1 |
com.abiquo.esxi.discovery.datastore.ignorebyname | If specified filter datastores by name and for filtered datastores, the platform will not check if is mounted or for the abiquo folder UUID. For example, 'some.*' will discard any datastore starting with 'some' and '.*some.*' will discard any datastore containing 'some'. Comma separated list of java patterns. |
| |
| Default wait time between retries on AWS account creation Default: 2 |
| |
| | Default AWS wait for assume role Default: 5 |
| |
| | The ID of the default IdP. You must add this property to all SAML environments. If you do not set a default IdP, the API tomcat server will not start | |
| | | Specify user domains and the IdPs to use for them. Allows comma separated equalities. For example,, | |
zerto.task.timeout.seconds | # The timeout to get a response from a provider task Default: 300 |
| |
Changed in Abiquo 5.2.1 |
abiquo.saml.metadata.identityprovider.path | The path of the IdP metadata to load. Supports comma separated values for multiple IdP file paths Added support for multiple IdP file paths with comma separated values | |
abiquo.saml.redirect.error.endpoint | URI where the platform should redirect an unsuccessful Abiquo login using SAML SSO. This has to be set to a queryparameter "?error" or a valid URI like the one from the example. Example: Default: ?error Default value changed from /error.html | |
abiquo.vsm.vmmetrics.collectfrequency.googlecloudplatform | Default value for googlecloudplatform changed to 300000 |
| |
5.2.2 |
New in 5.2.2, also in 5.0.11 |
abiquo.saml.login.allow.enterprise.pool | Allow the use of multiple enterprises with the same enterprise claim property as a pool. Will assign the user to the first enterprise match. Only valid for "SAML" mode, not for "SAML + user" (multiple IDPs). Default: false | |