Define a new HTTPS connector in remote RS Catalina
Changing the connector
Replace your current remote RS catalina connector in:
Have in mind you will have to point to a keystore and also configure the rest of parameters accordingly.
Import certificates
on Remote RS
You will need to convert your remote RS certs to PCKS12 format
Code Block |
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keystore remoters.jks -keysize 2048 |
Import Remote RS certificates on Abiquo Server
Import the remote RS certificate into API server that is going to connect to the remote RS via HTTPS:
You might need to enable SSL proxy for Apache, for AM connections to work through SSL, for itwith TLS for template upload and download. To do this, add this config in your apache virtualhost config:
You should be able now to add your remote RS using HTTPS protocol:.