Property | Description | | | | |
4.6.0 |
Added |
---| | Pricing discount is defined in the enterprise properties. The property key is built using the hypervisor type in lowercase and adding a suffix, which is defined by this property Default: _discount | | | | | | Pricing pricefactor is defined in the enterprise properties. The property key is built using the hypervisor type in lowercase and adding a suffix, which is defined by this property Default=_price_factor | | | | |
abiquo.nars.async.amqp.backoff.minseconds | AMQP consumer reconnection. First attempt to restart in seconds Default: 2 | | | | |
abiquo.nars.async.amqp.backoff.maxseconds | AMQP consumer reconnection. Maximum number of seconds without restart attempt Default: 2 | | | | |
abiquo.nars.async.pool.max | Default maximum number of simultaneous operations on a single hypervisor or region connection. Default: 2 | | | | |
abiquo.nars.async.pool.byvdc | If true, the max number of simultaneous operations apply to a single virtualdatacenter (instead of single hypervisor or region connection) Default: false | | | | |
abiquo.nars.async.pool.inactivity.maxhours | Maximum hours without activity in a pool before release. Minimum value is 6, if a lower value is specified, will use 6 Default: 24 | | | | |
abiquo.nars.async.pool.{plugin}.max | Maximum number of simultaneous operations on a single hypervisor or region connection, by type. Default: abiquo.nars.async.pool.max | | | | |
abiquo.nars.async.pool.{plugin}.byvdc | If true, the max number of simultaneous operations apply on a single virtual datacenter (instead of single hypervisor or region connection), by type. Default: abiquo.nars.async.pool.byvdc | | | | |
abiquo.nars.async.prefetch | Limit of parallelism of async request execution. Number of unacknowledged messages from the requests queue. Default: 4 | | | | |
abiquo.plugin-client.connectionrequesttimeout | API to NARS http client configuration: timeout in milliseconds used when requesting a connection. A value of 0 is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A negative value is interpreted as undefined Default: -1 | | | | |
abiquo.plugin-client.connectiontimeout | API to NARS client configuration: timeout in milliseconds when a connection is established. A value of 0 is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A negative value is interpreted as undefined Default: -1 | | | | |
abiquo.plugin-client.pool.checkconnections | API to NARS http client pool configuration: When reusing a connection checks if the elapsed time since the last use exceeds this timeout. Default: 5000 | | | | |
abiquo.plugin-client.pool.maxclients | API to NARS http client pool configuration: Max active HTTP connections to any NARS. Default: 50 | | | | |
abiquo.plugin-client.pool.maxclientsperendpoint | API to NARS http client pool configuration: Max active HTTP connections to the same NARS instance. Default: 10 | | | | |
abiquo.plugin-client.pool.maxkeepalivesms | API to NARS http client pool configuration: Max time to keep a persistent connection. Default: 120000 | | | | |
| API to NARS http client configuration: milliseconds to wait for a sync execution in the plugin. Implemented as socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) in milliseconds, which is the timeout for waiting for data or, put differently, a maximum period inactivity between two consecutive data packets). A value of 0 is interpreted as an infinite timeout. A negative value is interpreted as undefined Default: -1 | | | | |
| API to NARS http client configuration: milliseconds to wait for a sync execution in the plugin by type | | | | |
| API to NARS http client configuration: milliseconds to wait for a sync execution in the plugin by type and operation | | | | |
abiquo.pricing.import.check.delayInHrs | Delay between executions of the pricing import check in hours Default: 24 | | | | |
Deleted |
abiquo.nodecollector.timeout | Timeout for Server/API connections to Nodecollector (Discovery manager) in milliseconds. Default: 180000 | | | | |
Changed |
| For all CloudoorSphere properties, see CloudoorSphere Property name changed from abiquo.cpp.cloudoorspherecpp |
| | |
4.6.1 |
Added |
com.abiquo.esxi.discovery.networkinterface.networks | Only use physical network interfaces connected to the specified networks when adding vCenter hosts or clusters. If ''onlymanagementip'' is true, then first check for IPs (management or not) in the specified networks and if none are found, use onlymanagementip filter. The filter is a comma separated list of network in CIDR format, and the order specifies the priority | | | | |
com.abiquo.esxi.discovery.networkinterface.onlymanagementip | Only use virtual NICs of the host configured for management traffic<br/> Default: false | | | | |
4.6.2 |
No changes to properties in 4.6.2 |
4.6.3 |
Added |
abiquo.costusage.task.frequencyinhours | Frequency for executing the consolidation of usage accounted Default: 24 Range: > 0 | | | | |
abiquo.nars.async.pendingpublish.minutes | Check for pending responses which failed to publish due to AMQP failure in nars Default: 10 | | | | |
abiquo.nars.async.pendingpublish.path | Path to file that stores pending responses which failed to publish due to AMQP failure in nars Default: /opt/abiquo/amqp-messages/nars.pending | | | | |
abiquo.virtualfactory.pendingpublish.minutes | Check for pending responses which failed to publish due to AMQP failure in virtualfactory Default: 10 | | | | |
abiquo.virtualfactory.pendingpublish.path | Path to file that stores pending responses which failed to publish due to AMQP failure in virtualfactory Default: /opt/abiquo/amqp-messages/virtualfactory.pending | | | | |
4.6.4 |
No changes to properties in 4.6.4 |
4.6.5 |
No changes to properties in 4.6.5 |
4.6.6 |
No changes to properties in 4.6.6 |
4.6.7 |
abiquo.experimental.shareddisks.bypass | Bypass restriction on multiple VMs using the same disk. Ignore additional VMs using the same disk during capture. After deleting or releasing the first VM, to assign a disk to another VM, you must force the VM to synchronize with the hypervisor Default: false | |