- Provider hardware profiles
- If you synchronize a public cloud region and a VM has a hardware profile that is not allowed for the enterprise, the platform will automatically allow the hardware profile
- For AWS, Abiquo recommends hardware profiles based on information supplied by AWS in the following table, which was loaded into the platform at the time this feature was developed: http://aws.amazon.com/amazon-linux-ami/instance-type-matrix/
- If the provider does not support CPU and RAM as well as hardware profiles, and if there is no hardware profile that matches the CPU and RAM values, the platform cannot create a hardware profile, so the user will have to select another one
- Abiquo hardware profiles
- If a tenant enterprise already has VMs deployed when you enable hardware profiles, the platform will try to assign existing hardware profiles. If an existing profile is inactive, the platform will activate this profile and assign it. Otherwise, the platform will create a new hardware profile named ABQ_HP_{cpu}_{ram}_ID.
- If you capture a VM, the platform will behave as for VMs that were already deployed when you enabled hardware profiles.
- VApp specs
- When you create a VApp spec, Abiquo the platform records the CPU and RAM, but not a specific hardware profile. When you create a virtual appliance from a spec, Abiquo The platform creates a VM and assigns an appropriate hardware profile.
Prevent users from working with a hardware profile
At a tenant level, you can disable hardware profiles mode or a specific hardware profile that is not in use in deployed VMs. See Manage Enterprises#Allowtenantstousehardwareprofiles.
You cannot delete a hardware profile if it is used in a deployed VM, but you can make an Abiquo hardware profile inactive at any time. Abiquo will not display inactive hardware profiles to select as recommended profiles in templates or for use in VMs.
If a user already is already using a hardware profile on a VM when you deactivate it, they can continue to use it until they delete their VM. And in this case, the administrator can save the enterprise’s allowed datacenter with the inactive hardware profile selected. If the administrator deletes a hardware profile, it will be automatically removed from all enterprises. This means that an undeployed VM could have no hardware profile and the user will need to select a new one before they deploy.
You can activate a hardware profile again at any time. Also, Abiquo will automatically activate an existing hardware profile in preference to creating a new one when switching to hardware profile mode, capturing a VM, or creating a virtual appliance from a spec.
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Related pages
- Control access to hardware profiles at a tenant level: Manage Enterprises#Allowtenantstousehardwareprofiles.
- Configure hardware profiles for VM templates: See Modify a VM Template
- Configure pricing for hardware profiles: Pricing View#Hardware profiles
- Configure VMs using hardware profiles: VM general information