When you create an enterprise, you must add a default scope for that enterprise, which Abiquo will suggest as the scope for new users. Note that the default scope is always available for selection, even if it is higher than above the scope of the administrator creating the user. Therefore Abiquo recommends that the default scope should be lower than or equal to the administrator’s scope. When you edit the enterprise, you can change the default scope and the new value will be available when you subsequently create users.
The scope hierarchy feature is optional: you can just create a single level of scopes at the same level as the global scope as in previous versions of Abiquo. The scope hiearchy hierarchy feature is also flexible, because an enterprise can belong to more than one scope, which means that an administrator could create an enterprise hierarchy for sharing, as well as more scopes for sharing templates of a specific type only with groups of tenants that will use those templates.