Note: For OpenStack and vCloud Director, you must enter public cloud credentials in order to retrieve the public cloud regions (for example, in vCloud this is equivalent to a Provider or Org VDC).
- Create a new public cloud region from the + button in Infrastructure view.
- Enter the name for the region, select the public cloud provider and mark the checkboxes for the region(s) you wish to use. Click next Next.
- Enter the first digits of the IP address of the monolithic Abiquo server, select it from the dropdown list and click . Click Duplicate IP addresses to copy remote service location, ports, and components.
- Click the "Accept" button Save to use this remote services configuration for the datacenter.
Abiquo creates new public cloud region(s) with all available resources managed by Abiquo. New public cloud regions are named first with the name that the user enters, and then with this name and a suffix of _1, _2, for example, AWS, AWS_1, AWS_2, and so on.