When the user deploys, reconfigures or undeploys a VM, Abiquo will include a new job called BACKUP_SCHEDULE in that task. If the job fails because Abiquo cannot schedule the backup, then the VM operation will roll back. As before events Events from the backup system are incorporated into Abiquo and streamed by the outbound API.
The backup plugins work with the API (for backup management), and remote services: virtual factory and NARS. As described in the configuration section, the backup plugins are configured using the Abiquo property on Remote Services to give the configuration file location and the backup system configuration files in the same folder as the Abiquo properties file on the remote services server.
In the current version, the supported functionality for the plugins is as follows.
Operation | Networker Plugin | Avamar Plugin | Veeam Plugin |
Configure schedules on deploy | X | X | X |
Configure schedules on reconfigure | X | X | X |
Deconfigure schedules on undeploy | X | X | X |
Execute on demand backup | X | X |
Restore | X | X | X |
List backup and restore results | X | X | X |
Check expired results | X | X | X |
Constraint | Networker Plugin | Avamar Plugin | Veeam Plugin |
Reconfigure schedules in power on state | X | X | X |
Restore a VM in power on state |
| X | |
Restore a VM when it is not allocated | X ![]() | X | |
Instantly record results of Backup and Restore | X | X | X |
= requires vCenter credentials; add to Backup manager credentials with separator
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