Creating Template Definition Lists
- API: use the Create the Create a Template Definition List call in the TemplateDefinitionListResource from :
- an ovfindex.html from an OVF index URL: https://wiki.abiquo.com/api/latest/TemplateDefinitionListsResource.html#create-a-template-definition-list-from-ovf-index-url
- from individual template definitions
- GUI: open the remote template repository in the GUI and the UI client will create a default template definition list from the ovfindex.html
- The Abiquo The Abiquo UI only displays the templates included in the ovfindex.html
- Other templates can be accessed using the Abiquo API and the link to the template
When you download a template definition to the datacenter, a virtual machine template is created, which means, for example, that the virtual machine system disk will stored in the Apps library (NFS repository).
Create a template from a template definition
VirtualMachineTemplateResource https://wiki.abiquo.com/api/latest/VirtualMachineTemplatesResource.html#create-a-virtual-machine-template-in-a-datacenter-repository-by-downloading-a-template-definition
Promote an instance
or Duplicate a template
or Export a template
Basic template modifications
For example to change the name of a template.Modify a VM template via the API
Upload an OVA file
Upload a disk to a template or replace a disk
Appliance Manager Template manager template API Upload upload and Downloaddownload