Remote service | Protocol | Port | Extension |
Virtualization manager | http:// | 8009 | virtualfactory |
Monitor manager | http:// | 8009 | vsm |
Appliance manager | http:// | 8009 | am |
Discovery manager | http:// | 8009 | nodecollector |
Storage manager | http:// | 8009 | ssm |
Business process manager | http:// | 8009 | bpm-async |
DHCP service | omapi:// | 7911 | |
DHCPV6 service | omapi:// | 7911 | |
Remote access manager | guacd:// | 4822 |
Depending on your system, other configurations are possible, for example, to avoid CORS issues, you might decide to configure AM access through HTTPS on port 443.
Code Block |
curl -X POST https://mjspac.bcn.abiquo.com:443/api/config/action/remoteservicecheck \ -H 'Content-Type:application/vnd.abiquo.remoteservice+json;version=34.82' \ -d @requestpayload.json \ -u admin:xabiquo --verbose |
To modify a remote service to add it to public cloud regions or datacenters, perform a put PUT request with a remote service entity containing the links to the locations where you want to add the remote service.
Include Page | ||||