More detailed instructions about branding administration.
Back up the Abiquo UI
Abiquo system elements: In addition to regular backups, we recommend that you make a quick backup of the UI before enabling branding.Log in to a shell on the Abiquo server with a user with root permissions and make a copy of the UI folder...
the Abiquo UI | | Back up the Abiquo UI |
Upload themes and logos to the Abiquo UI
an optional default theme to style the login screen and your enterprise , including the image files.Note that the abicloudDefault folder contains the predefined default theme; do not overwrite this folder or the login screen will not display correctly.
For example, using wget from the Abiquo Server to a Linux machine
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wget myuser@mymachine:~/Downloads/mytheme_base_theme.tar.gz /var/www/html/ui/theme
Move or copy any existing theme with this name to another folder name
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cd /var/www/html/ui/theme
mv my_custom_theme my_custom_theme_backup
Extract the theme (which will OVERWRITE any theme with the same name). For example, when the theme was compressed with tar and gzip
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tar -zxvf my_custom_theme.tar.gz |
and logos to the Abiquo UI | | Upload themes and logos to the Abiquo UI |
Edit UI configuration to add new themes to Enterprise menu
Include Page |
| Edit UI configuration to add new |
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cd /var/www/html/ui/config
vi client-config-custom.json |
Edit the file and add the base theme and the custom themes as an element within the brackets { and }.
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"client.themes": [
] |
themes to the enterprise menu | | Edit UI configuration to add new themes to the enterprise menu |