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Use alerts with notifications from alarms across the platform and action plans for automation of VMs including vertical and horizontal auto-scaling


To help you detect and address changing demand for resources, the platform's control features include monitoring alerts with notifications, action plans for automation, and autoscaling.

Control and scaling concepts

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Control and scaling concepts
Control and scaling concepts


  1. Go to Virtual datacenters
  2. Go to Virtual Appliances → Virtual machines. Create and configure your VMs. See Manage Virtual Machines
    1. Remember to enable go to Monitoring and fetch metrics. See VM monitoring and metrics
  3. Go to Virtual appliance → Monitoring and check that the platform is retrieving metrics. You may have to wait a few minutes
  4. Go to Alarms. Create alarms for built-in metrics, scaling group metrics, and custom metrics as required

    1. To create alarms, go to an Alarms tab in either the Virtual datacenters view (see Manage cloud alarms) or the Infrastructure view (see Infrastructure Alarms).

    2. Select an entity, a metric, and a metric statistic and enter a threshold, then save the alarm

  5. Create alerts to notify users. See Manage Alerts.  

    titleClick here to show/hide the UI instructions
    Include PageGUI Create alertGUI Create alert

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    Create an alert
    Create an alert

    • You can also use these alerts to trigger scaling, see Cloud bursting. 
