This is the landing page for the Abiquo public cloud integrations. Abiquo supports two main types of public cloud provider - with or without support for a virtual datacenter (VDC) entity.
These are examples of cloud providers that support a virtual datacenter entity:
- Amazon AWS (VPC)
These are examples of cloud providers without a VDC entity:
Abiquo has custom integrations with the main public cloud providers, such as AWS and Azure. These integrations map Abiquo entities to public cloud entities as shown in the following diagram.
Abiquo supports some providers that may be offered in on-premise or public mode, such as vCloud Director and OpenStack.
Abiquo synchronizes with all public cloud providers to onboard virtual resources, either at the virtual datacenter or regional level. Examples of providers with regional synchronization are DigitalOcean and Rackspace.
Feature support for all Abiquo public cloud providers is described in the Public cloud providers section.