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Abiquo manages VMware Cloud vCloud Director as part of the hybrid cloud platform, and this page describes the features and management model

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VMware Cloud Director VCD supported versions tableVMware Cloud Director
VCD supported versions table

Credentials models for VMware


vCloud Director

You can create a public cloud region for use by many organizations with one vDC or one organization with multiple vDCs.


To allow only one organization to use the public cloud region, enter the organization credentials. 

Create a public cloud region for VMware


vCloud Director

Before you begin, see features and configuration at VMware Cloud vCloud Director

To create a public cloud region for VMware Cloud vCloud Director:

  1. Go to Infrastructure → Public → Create public cloud region
    1. Enter the Endpoint URL for VMware Cloud vCloud Director (e.g.
    2. Enter Identity and Credential for ONE of the following models:
      1. To add a provider VDC, enter Administrator credentials (user@System)
      2. To add an organization VDC, enter Organization administrator credentials (user@orgName). This region will be exclusive to the organization
    3. Click Retrieve regions and select the region
    4. Click Next and enter the details of the Remote services


  1. Edit each enterprise that will work in a VMware Cloud vCloud Director region (provider VDC or org VDC)
    1. Go to Datacenters and drag the provider or region/s to the Allowed datacenters column
    2. Go to Credentials and select vCloud Director. Enter the organization administrator identity and credential.
      To associate the Org vDC with the Provider vDC in the platform, enter the VMware Cloud vCloud Director system user and password 

Optionally activate hardware profiles

By default VMware Cloud vCloud Director works with CPU and RAM values and administrators can activate Abiquo hardware profiles as in private cloud. See Hardware profiles.

Configure import of VMs

When the platform onboards a virtual datacenter, it can onboard the VMs into a single Abiquo VApp or multiple VApps, depending on the enterprise properties of each tenant.

Include Page
Control onboard of VMs to VApps
Control onboard of VMs to VApps

Import templates

When searching for templates, to retrieve templates from the enterprise's vCD organization, select the private checkbox. To retrieve templates from other organizations, select the public checkbox.


Administrators can select hot-reconfigure options for their templates if the vCD operating system and template supports these options. They can also select the network driver, which by default is now VMXNET3.

Abiquo manages VDCs and networks

Abiquo onboards and synchronizes the virtual datacenters and networks of a vCD organization.

Users in Abiquo can work with VMware Cloud vCloud Director networks as follows:


The platform does not onboard or manage static routes for VMware Cloud vCloud Director networks.

Screenshot: Selecting a vCD virtual appliance to onboard as an Abiquo virtual datacenter.   


Screenshot: The user has created a private network in the VDC

Users onboard firewalls

The user can onboard Edge firewalls as Abiquo classic firewalls. In VMware Cloud vCloud Director, classic firewalls can span vApps, so to access these firewalls in the platform, select All VDCs, then select the VMware Cloud vCloud Director region.

The classic firewalls support TCP and UDP protocols, and with a source or destination that can be an IP, a range of IPs, or “any”. See Manage classic firewalls

The integration manages firewalls on private and external networks.

NAT networks and rules

The administrator can create a NAT network using an external network that is connected to the orgVdc Edge gateway or a subnet of this network. Note that the platform does not detect NAT configurations in VMware Cloud vCloud Director so the administrator must provide appropriate values to prevent errors in the virtual datacenters.


You can then obtain NAT IPs for your virtual datacenters and create NAT rules for your VMs. The platform will automatically create a firewall rule for each NAT rule. To display this rule, the user will need to synchronize the classic firewall. The platform does not create a default SNAT rule for the virtual datacenter as in the NSX NAT integration so users should create SNAT rules in their VMs.

VM firewall policies

When the virtual datacenter (VMware Cloud vCloud Director vApp) has an external (fenced) connection through an Edge gateway, users can create firewall policies in their virtual datacenter and assign them to their VMs. 

Users onboard and create load balancers

The user can onboard and create load balancer policies. In VMware Cloud vCloud Director, load balancers can span vApps, so to access all load balancers in the platform, select All VDCs and then select the VMware Cloud vCloud Director region.

The integration creates load balancers on external networks. 


For OrgVDC networks created using Abiquo, an initial limitation is that you can only use the gateway address for load balancers.

Onboard VMs into Abiquo

When you onboard VMs, the platform creates a placeholder template for each VM, but this template is unavailable, which means that the user cannot undeploy and deploy the VM again from it.

To create a standard VM template for the VM, before you undeploy, power off and create an instance template to clone the VM disks. The platform will automatically assign the VM to the new template, and the user can then undeploy and redeploy the VM.   

Users deploy VMs

Users can create VMs using VM templates registered in the platform from the VMware Cloud vCloud Director registry. 

Users can add IPs and select firewalls and load balancers for their VMs.
