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In public cloud, Abiquo works with "VDC-like" entities such as Amazon VPCs, Azure virtual networks, and vCloud Director vApps. In clouds that do not have a "VDC-like" entity, such as Google Cloud, Abiquo creates logical VDCs. For example, see AWS Integration#HowAbiquoCreatesaVirtualPrivateCloudintegration#HowAbiquoCreatesaVirtualPrivateCloud

titleClick here to show/hide the task: Create a virtual datacenter

To create a virtual datacenter:

  1. Login as the Cloud Admin.
  2. Click the Cloud icon to Open "myCloud Virtual datacenters" view
  3. Click on the + icon in the "Virtual Datacenters" pane
  4. Fill in necessary info, select Datacenter, and Hypervisor type. Specify the virtual datacenter's name, select the physical datacenter where its applications will be deployed and if there is more than one hypervisor type, select the hypervisor you want to use. Please note that the hypervisor depends on the physical datacenter configuration, so select the physical datacenter first.
  5. Click "Save". A virtual datacenter for the enterprise will be available for virtual appliances to be created and deployed within.

Note: To create a virtual datacenter for another cloud tenant, you will need to switch to that tenant first in Home view or Users view.


titleClick here to show/hide the task: Create a load balancer
  1. Select the location or the virtual datacenter and synchronize (or synchronize the individual elements: firewalls (where applicable) and load balancers).
  2. Click the + button and enter load balancer general information

  3. Create routing rules

  4. Enter a health check if required - AWS will automatically create one if you do not enter one
  5. Assign a firewall if required

  6. Assign nodes

  7. Click Save

A load balancer is created. As always, check you provider documentation for pricing and functionality. For more information about load balancers in Abiquo, see Manage Load Balancersload balancers.

Note: cloud users will require appropriate privileges to use load balancers.
