When you create an enterprise, Abiquo automatically adds the new enterprise to your scope so you can manage it, for example, to add it to other scopes. And a higher-level administrator can later remove it from your scope.
Scope hierarchies
Abiquo 4.0 also introduces scope hierarchies for resource sharing. A scope hierarchy is for sharing resources with related tenants without the need for the administrator to have all of these related tenants in their own scope. So administrators can share VM templates and VApp specs with tenants in child scopes beneath their own scope, but administrators manage only the tenants within their own scope.
An administrator with scope privileges and the “Allow user to switch enterprises” privilege can create a hierarchy by assigning a parent scope to any scope except an unlimited scope. An unlimited scope is the Global scope or a Use all enterprises or Use all datacenters scope.
The following diagram shows an example of a scope hierarchy.
These resellers have customers, with their own departments, and the administrator does not manage their users but the administrator does share templates with them.
Does an administrator need to have their own enterprise in scope?